27 dic 2009

The evolution

Some persons don't believe in the evolution, some persons think that we hasn't changed since... our origins. I won't talk about the evolution of the human body, because it is so much clear, I don't know anyone with an "enormous" cranium, low stature, shaggy, identical to a monkey etc.
What I think that anyone could contradict, is that we've evolved mentally. Before we didn't know about medicines, technology, democracy... We've evolved physically and mentally, but now I think that the first kind of evolution is decreasing, is decreasing a lot, and the second kind is increasing.
Fortunately, we are improving in medicines, technologies... but physically? I think that now we are tallest than before, but it isn't a real evolution.
Probably in a lot of years there will be an evolution since now, but the culture avoids this. Some persons could feel disgust or fear to a man with six fingers in one hand, and maybe he will operate to remove it and become "normal", but the sixth finger will be in his DNA. If we all have the same culture, the same ethics... I think that we will evolve more than now, because there won't be borders (there won't be borders if we can eliminate all these stupids religions and beliefs). If the knowledge is widespread, there will be more and more new discoveries and advances because we will be more qualified persons. Maybe we won't evolve physically, but I'm sure that we will evolve mentally.
But first, we should eliminate some stupid theories, then, we will have it easier to evolve, and also, we will have more peace.

19 dic 2009

This has happened

At some moments, we see how a desire that we had, is fulfilled. Some persons (since I have said before) can think that they are fulfilled because something has listened them and has done things to make it true. The people with more reasonable thought, knows that the actions of oneself and the feeling of wanting to do this, have made this true.
Someone could say to me "It needs too many change to make it real", or simply "It's too change". I think that the change appears when we don't know something, because if we know it, we will know "the future". Our actions control us, when we've done something, this something will do another thing that will afects to us (butterfly effect), the union of all these "chances", these chances that have born of the feeling of wanting something, have created the future.
Maybe someone could think that if he/she does good actions, he/she will receive a remuneration, all actions make something and have a result. If your you move a leg, you consume energy. If you buy a car, you will have less money. If you look at the left side, you won't see somethings of the right side. If you pray... you don't do anything.

To listen my memory

I'm sure (yes, at this moments I won't say "I think") that nobody listens to us when we think, and, of course, when someone prays. It's really stupid to think that if you think something, if you ask for something with the memory, or if you "talk" with someone and you apologize for things that you've done, someone are hearing you, and this "person" can do something to help you. It's... really (really, really) useless. Our thoughts are produced in our brain, of these connections of neourons. How someone can think that something (yes, when I say something, I am saying god) is hearing us, that something can hear what only us can hear?Some persons could talk about something called "omnipotence", there are some parables that destroys this word, and some thoughts that too. Some persons could feel culprits when they have "badly" thoughts about something or someone. And also, there are so many people who feels culprit when they insult or hit someone (Me too, yes, it's something natural). But... when they apologizes to "something" using his own thoughts, I think that he/she have a mental problem.
Lucky, we have psychiatrists.

They are my thoughts, I don't want to hurt some people.


Some people say that god exists, and it's omnipotent. There are so many questions that torture the human mind, like "From where we are?" "Why do we exist?" "Which is the real origin of everything?" etc. The simplest answer that anyone could say can be "Someone who can do all, who are in everything, and who knows all, has done it". It's de simplest answer, if you say that when there are something that anyone knows, some people could believe you, because it could be true. If anyone knows why we are here, why do we exist or another philosophical question (a question without a real answer) and someone says "Someone who can do all created us." and he demostrates without demostrating this (with so many examples, metaphors, "fantastic" histories, traditions etc.) there will be some ingenious people who will believe he. People who don't want to search a the real answer, that answer wich are really hidden, that answer that forces you to spend all of your life to find that.
In some moments of the history, some persons wanted to demostrate that a thought without any scientific base is incorrect, and some of they had demostrated it (the spontaneous generation, for exemple), but there are things, things that happened in the past, that we can't know... and these things have so many answers. I'm sure that someone will demostrate that these stupid theories are... stupid theories.

18 dic 2009

In what I fail?

I don't really know it, but I try to do a lot of things, not only for me, but also for the others. I try to do it well, without many fails, mistakes, confusions... but I can't do it how I want, and in some moments I have these three and maybe more. I'm tired of receive "No, you are wrong", "It's not true, don't invent things" or also "You are a liar", so I prefer to say "I think that..." and don't receive a direct "No".
I fail in a lot of things, maybe every day, and of course, there are someones that affect me more than others. In the school, I have some problems with studies, I try to study as well, and the sufficient time but... since the first exam of this course I've seen that I haven't done something, something that was escapping from me, something that could grow up my fours to fives, my fail to my pass. I don't know what is this "something", but some teachers have been helping me and we think that it could be my study method. Well, I am changing it to the new that they've explained me. Since 1 week, I am studying with the new method, and if it don't work, if I fail the next exams...

Sometimes I also have fails with my friends, I have arguments with they when they can't understand me, when they are joking and I don't really want to joke, when they are happy and I am sad, maybe I am too time sad, but... It's me, it's difficult to change. But luckly I have some special friends who always (I think) understands me, those friends who I can tell them all, those friends who are "all" for me, those who I love, those who I need, those who shows me that I am not lonely, etc.
Sorry for my constant (yes, really constant) fails.

13 dic 2009

The king

Why a king have to be a king because his father had been that?
I mean, why this office have to pass to king's sons, if they hadn't done nothing? Why all the power of the country have to be in the hands of a person only because the father of that person had been important in the past or the father had have a father who was importat etc.
Yes, maybe an ancestor of the family had been very important because he conquered a lot of countries, or he killed bad people... but his sons didn't do it, and the power of the conqueror will pass to his son because he is his son, and no more.
I think that if we change of presidents, a persons who improves our lives and changes them (well, this is what they should do...), why we can't change of king?
No, wait... why we have to got a king? What will happen if there aren't one? He is only a person considered "superior" to other one because he was instructed more than other one in the state control, and maybe the father will instruct his son... it's good, but a person who aren't in the king family, he won't be a king, and I think that it should change. If we have a democracy, I think that it should change and be a really democracy, a democracy where all can change if the people wants the change.
Maybe all of that I've sayed it's wrong, and a "normal" person can be a king, I only say what I think and believe.

No weapons

Yeah, this is what a lot of people wants, a world without weapons, without guns, tanks, chemical weapons etc. because it will create a more peaceful world.
There are religions that disagree with other ones (well, all religions disagree with the other religions), there are thoughts that contradict other thoughts, cultures that don't like to other cultures. If people did not care as other people (if they thinks for they, I mean, if you don't agree with another person, then talk with her, and if you won't be able to change her, then, stop to attempting to change her) and they do not try to change the way of being of others, all would be great, because there won't be contradicted opinions, there will be different opinions.
But it's difficult, because if in a religion, there are only one god, it is a male, and it is omnipotent, and in another religion, there are more than one gods, and these gods controls all... and also if a religon criticize other one only to have a different concept of something, a different created history of the god... maybe the peace with these two will be difficult, and if there aren't weapons, there are rocks, and other natural weapons.
A world without weapons could be great, but if there are violence in the persons, there will be a "cold" world, a world where there are cold wars and constant arguments among people... I think that it's better than a world with weapons, but... it isn't perfect.


It's good to kill a killer?
I think that if the killer have killed a lot of people, or if he is a lover of the violence, an "evolved" bully... maybe he should be dead. I know that there are programs to rehabilitate those persons who really wants to be "normal" and to be forgiven by the society, but what happens with those persons who are like... mentally ill? Those who "always" will hate a group of persons, or those who love the violence and want to be superiors from another one, those who "have to" kill or robbery, or hurt... another person to feel "superior". Maybe if they have a good rehabilitation they would be a "good" person, but maybe he won't. There are some criminals who have so much money and good lawyers, some lawyers who can save yourself from a life imprisonment, and I think that those persons, those who play with the laws, and their crimes have been higher, should die. Yes, they could be in the prison until his dead, but maybe in the prison they will bother, hurt or even kill some convict.
I think that some urban gangs should be dissolved, those who makes war and battles with another gangs, and maybe some violent programs of TV, those who promote the violence and this character.

3 dic 2009

The 2nd term begins

Well, the title says all, since now begins the 2nd term of 1st Batxillerat.
I will try to improve respecting my first term, and I think that... I won't. This is my level, and I think that I can't improve it so much. Some teachers says that we can improve ourself studying and working... but if there are someone who works and study but he can't approve, what should he thinks? I think that if he is a "good" student and he takes care about his future, he may be a bit frustrated (This is what happens with me). It makes more difficult the nexts exams, because there are a pression that there isn't before. "Fortunatly", we have recuperation exams to recuperate (of course...) the failed subject, but... A holidays without work is different than a holiday with an exam waiting to you, in this holidays I wanted to go to the library and read more about psychollogy, or maybe a bit of teaching for my research work, but I have some catalan literature waiting to me... I will try to organize me and be able to do both things, I won't be studying all the time, but I will try to study the some time every day.

30 nov 2009

1st Term: Finished

Well, this Friday will be the last day of this first term, but today is the last 1st term day of this blog. It has been a hardly beggining... I can still remember those time when I sat in the middle of the classrom, and when, later, I went to the left side of the classroom. I've worked (yes, I've worked) so much, but... I think that my marks won't be so high. I've had so many 4's, and not sufficient approvates. I tried to approve, but I think that I have some problems, I think that I've studied hardly and the sufficient, but... I don't know why but it seems that not.
I will continue working in this blog (because I have to do it to approve), and I will try to improve it with more changes, stupid things like more stupid gadgets, more curious things or maybe more of my thinks... I don't know.
I won't mark myself, you know what I think about marks, so I won't say nothing about it. But I think that if someone have done the sufficient posts and he/she had worked the sufficient, I think that he/she would be approved.
I will continue working ("Always working!") and if we can put posts in this holidays (and they will be part of the "Your say" of the 2nd Term) I will do it, and if I'm inspirated, maybe some Extra works too.
See you later! ^^


Well, this is my podcast. Thanks Niki, you have done "all" the work! I don't know how to use the Audacity and sound programs like this, and you have done what I don't know for us, and also you've had the sufficient patience. Thanks again.

Get this widget Track details eSnips Social DNA

(Oh dear... what a voice!)

28 nov 2009

Best Friend

I have three different kind of friends, three groups that I've created to classificate my friendships. I have "friends" (those who I know, but I don't talk with them so much. In this group there are many people), friends (those who I see maybe everyday, and I laugh, talk, meet... In this group there are some people, but not so many) and friends friends (In this group there are, and have to be, less than 3 persons). I will use this post to talk about this last classification, my friends friends, my best friends.
In this moments, I think that I have 3 persons in this group, I won't say the name of all three, because some of my friends could be angry.
The best friend that I have in this moment, is Lluís. I met he in a online game, Metin2, a year ago. Since that moment, I've talk with he every (every, every, every) day, we never have been angry with the other. Maybe we've discussed sometime, but we always have solved it. He is so intelligent, and he understands me. He'd helped me a lot and I think that me too, but no so much as he.
He lives in Sabadell, and I never have seen he. Well, I heared his voice, but it's not the same... I have to see he! He saw me 2 times I think, but I haven't see he anytime... I have seen his live with his online girlfriends, I helped he with the schoolwork, I helped he "leveling" in the game etc. But he helped me more than me.
I still remembering those days when he "levelled" me in the game, he upped me like 55 levels (yes, its a lot of levels), and we'd enjoyed so much. We "killed" many enemies, and so more spiders. We've talked without stopping for hours... He helped me a lot when my first "pj" had been banned. I maked me to continue, and I continued for he.
I really love he (love of friends! Don't say me "gay" more! xD) and I want to be with he more (more, more, more...) time, I don't want to say goodbye to him, and I will try it.
For my best friend, Stiwiiiiii!!

26 nov 2009

New Style

Some people could say that seems that I am in a funeral, or that I will go to one of them, because I'm always wearing black clothes (except my pink belt). I like this colour... so I wanted to have more of it, I wanted to dye my hair with a really dark black.
I could do this, my parents let me and my hairdresser got the dye, so I did it. Now I don't have any blue hair, but... I have blue hair.
Well, I have to explain it a little better... The dye had got a blue shine, so, if there are much light and it shines my hair, this will shine with blue splendor. It's nice! I haven't got my blue fringe, now its black, but I like it too.
Yesterday I was so nervous, because I only dyed my hair two times, and these times was only for the fringe. And this time was for all the hair... It didn't hurt (logic), but I had to wait like 30 min., because the dye had to dry. I played with my mobile phone a little bit, and I talked with my hairdresser (a cool hairdresser... I like he). He told me that in the past (like 10 years), the hairdressers used the cigarette butts to take off the dye of dyed hairs. I didn't know it and I was surprised. He bought a different dye, a dye with blue shines, because he thinked that I will like it, and he guessed it.

23 nov 2009

What do I want?

Why do we continue, if in the future we will have more problems, economics problems, social problems, work problems, wounds and more problems in general?
I remember the fantastic (of fantasy, not of spectacularity) tale of a monk, a monk who went to pray to God to get problems, because he didn't have one. He said that he lives only to resolve his problems and some of the other, but he had not problems, he sleeps and eats every day, he wasn't married and also, he didn't love anyone. Then, a god said he that he had a problem, he did not look after things well, because always there are something that causes problems to us.
Yes, it's a bit stupid...
Life can give us a lot of joys, but also a lot of concerns. I'm not a suicide, in some moments I like the life, those moments where I'm laughing or being with my friends... things like this.
Have we some other option? Could we life without these "unnecessary" problems? Of course that not. If we live in a rural house, with animals and a calm life, we will have problems too (to take care of the animals and plants, getting food...), and if we don't have problems (if it could be), we would be very bored. Don't say me "see the good things of the life, not bad things", because in the good things, can be a lot of bad things, and I use to see only them.

Exams, problems with friends, family, homework, more exams, loneliness, etc.
Well, but I like some things too, like my blue hair! ^^

The best teacher

All we had got a "best teacher", that teacher who makes easier his subject, that teacher who is more opened, more "cool" and sometimes, like "one of we". In my case that teacher was Narcís (oh... I miss he...). He was an Art teacher, and it's curious, because I never liked Arts so much. Since firsts days of his art classes, he showed a very extroverted character, he was so funny, facetious, charismatic, sexy (why not?), charismatic (I've said this before, right?) etc.
My memory has borrowed most of his classes, but at this moments I can still remember some of them. A class that he showed his super-elastic underpants (white dot underpants). A class that he taked my hand and "I drew" a picture of two pretty dogs. Another class that he said a very funny exemple of icebergs and penguins... And few more. Those pretty times where in my first year of Institute, when we were the news. I don't know where is he now, maybe he is studying for another professional career (before being teacher, he studied Arts, medicine, and also he was in the army). I really miss he, and what really hurts me is that I didn't say goodbye to he, because I didn't see he in the last day of the course... I remember some days, some days where he was a bit introverted and also less funny or more applied... I want to see he again and say the goodbye that I didn't give he time before.

A "beauty" tale

The traitor bird

Once upon a time a hunter went to hunting in the woods, where they capture and kill animals for some tasty dinner. When he was in the forest, he went looking for his dinner, but he found no rabbit or other animal that could fill his belly. After a while searching, he found a bird and he capture on the sly. The bird, desperate, said that if the hunter let she go, she will go to find their friends and she will bring her friends to the hunter, and the hunter will be able to kill bird’s friends but not she.
The hunter accept, and set free the bird. The bird went where his friends were, and told them that she had found a place with many delicious worms. The herd went where was the hunter and began to peck at the ground. At least 20 birds were pecking at the ground, and between them, the traitor. The hunter fired only one time, and that shot struck the belly of the traitor. The hunter went where was the traitor, and said she that he killed she for betray her friends to try to live.
The hunter, thinking that he did the correct, went to his house with the dead bird to cook and eat it. But, the bird’s friends saw how the hunter kill she, and they wanted revenge. For they, the killed bird was a good friend. So, When the hunter got distracted by cleaning his gun, the birds charged to him and pecked he to death. They killed the person who saved them from a possible future demise at the hands of a friend of the group.

The bird's soul and the hunter's soul went to the purgatory, and there they found another souls waiting for the final choice. There was so many workers choosing who will go to the heaven, and who will go to the hell. Then, the workers didn't know where should go the hunter's soul, because he did a good action killing the traitor, but he killed someone... So, they decided to test he. They said he that if he can converte the bird's soul in a good soul, he will go to the heaven.
The hunter talked with the bird, but she hated he, and she wanted to go to the hell with her killer. So, she said he that she will be a really good person (without liying and things like this) if the hunter can take there the worms who she tried to kill.
The hunter did that and he brought the worms with her, then, the bird asked to the hunter if he could take there a scythe of one of the workers because she wanted to give that to the worms, because they are so weak. The hunter, wanting to go to the heaven, did that and the bird was so happy having the scythe. The bird promised that she will be good, and the hunter went to the worker and said he that he did it well.
The worker saw the bird, and he saw that the bird didn't have one of her wings. And she said that the hunter did it for revenge. The bird cutted one of her wings only to revenge.
The worker sended they to the hell and they burned all the eternity.

20 nov 2009

My Oral Presentation (Please don't see this...)

Well, I used a powerpoint (only to decorate...), and this only worsened my presentation. There were some pictures (only pictures, there weren't any explanations or things like this. Fortunately, it dures about 5 minutes, so I did it well.
Maybe my hair covered my eyes, but I tried to look all the time to the people, although sometimes I "needed" to look at the ground. I didn't have any notes, or recordations (maybe for this reason I had a very long lapsus and more things...). I tried to learn it all the time to say all it after, but it hasn't got "progress", so I confused some things and, in the beggining, I said some things that I shoulded said at the end.

I was very (very very very very) nervous, I only had 2 days to prepare it, only 2 days to learn all it (yes, I am a bit fool, I shoulded ask for it, but I didn't know that it was wrong), and, of course, I forgotted it. Also, in some moments I didn't understand me, so I'm sure that the other people neither. I tried to get a correct pronunciation and say good words to say things, but... I think that it didn't happen.
I don't want to continue because I will be sad and frustrated in the upcoming English classes, but I have to do it.
Well, for the next presentations I could improve my pronunciation, text structure, etc.. And practice earlier (before 2 days at least ...), and bring notes, etc. etc. I'll try to correct some mistakes (maybe it's too difficult to eliminate all they) that I did in this O.P.. Well, here goes the Literal transcription:
- I'm Adrià, and I will explain something about my interests. Well, I have many interests... Well not, I have some interests but they are not very interesting to count here. Instead this things I will explain something that I think that be more interesting than other things (then I touch my hair =P). In the end of this summer, I started reading some criminology books and some psichology books, and I thinked that I could do a presentation of this. Instead I can talk about videogames, my greatest interest, but I could be a little geek, "friki, vamos...". Well, I think that psichollogical books are really interesting and because of them I will explain a psichollogical experiment that they are better. In one of them, there are... The scientists (Then I touch another time my hair...) had got two groups of people, and they showed them a video with terrible car accidents. And... when the film is (lapsus!!). When the people are seeing the film, the scientists asked them "how fast was this car going before the clash?" (I had to said this 2 times), and then to the second group, they asked the same question but changing the word clash with another with less violence, like impact... or, shock... I don't know. And then the scientists see that the first group answered an answer (logic...) 30 km faster than the velocity of had sayed the second group (yes, I explained it fatal). Well, if the second group sayed... 100 kilometers per hour then the first group had sayed 130 km/h (3rd time that I touched my hair). And it doesn't finish here, a few weeks later, the scientists asked to the first group if they remembered a broken glasses that there was in a brutal accident, these glasses never existed, so it was a lie (Then the power-point failed me...). Well, and the first group remembered that glasses and also they described them. It's really curious... Well, and something else, I think that can be an history of a criminology book that I've read at the end of this summer (Yes, I repeated it) that explains the history of Walburga and her husband Fred. Walburga was a beauty woman, a very beauty woman (not so much, I exaggerated a bit), and Fred was ugly, but a very rich businessman (Then I touched my hair another time). So... they had just married, and they lives "happy" a few years. Well, Walburga didn't loves he, so she had a lover. Well... one night, Fred went to his house, drunked, and he start hitting she, and... the lover of Walburga, called Otto, went to the house and killed he with a pistol. Then Walburga taked care of the situation and stoled the valuable clock of her husband and gived it to her lover, Otto. Then Otto scaped, he went away. Then Walburga went to a closet and locked the door by inside... and she called the police. She sayed at the police that a thief went to her house, killed her husband, stoled the valuable clock, and locked she in a closet. The police believed she... and she had got all the money of her husband. Well, but... a few years later, the lawyer of Walburga and Otto testified against she, but... The judge never believed she, because... the police never finded any proves to inculce them (yeah, inculce doesn't have meaning) (and also I touched another time my hair). So Walburga was absolved and Otto too. Well, the justice is blind. Ok, here concludes my Oral Presentation.
(Ah, The video doesn't have enough volume...)

Reflections of my Oral Presentation

Here concludes my "Reflections of my Oral Presentation".

No, I don't want to finish this post here...
I want to explain some "why?" fot some of my errors and nerves.
Well, first my video camera (my mobile phone) couldn't record me without someone holding it. Well, a friend had to record me, but it doesn't matter. Then my pen-drive (A MP3) didn't work, so I had to go downstairs to copy the powerpoint to another pen. While, some classmates who are doing a subject that I course too had to go to another classrom to do a test (yes, I arrived late, but I could do the exam). Well, when I arrived in class, I could open the Pen-drive that my teacher let me. But I was confused at the time to copy the powerpoint, and it was not there... Luckily, the MP3 did work (It hadn't battery) and I could open the powerpoint and do the presentation. Then, I tried to do a "good" O.P., seeing the people, showing me naturally, things like that... But you can see some of my white shirt under my purple jumper and I don't like it!
I didn't use the powerpoint for anything, it was only to decorate, and also, to my misfortune.. Something for my defence? I believed that the presentations began to work (not to start) on the first day that the teacher told us.

It's all...Well, if I have to give me a mark, I will say a 5, or maybe a 6 or 7 (Not... a 5 or a 6).

16 nov 2009

The new of dogs!

Well, this article describes and explain us how are, what do, and where often live the Pyrenean mountain dog. Those dogs use to be utilized to protect the sheeps from predators and driving throught the mountains.
- I like those dogs because they are easy to teach tips, how to live together with the sheeps and how to control they. They have a soft coat and strong paws, so they can suffer the mountain winters. Every year (I think) there are a competition in the catalonia country where these dogs compete to see who is the best looking after the sheeps. In short, I like they.

The presentation of me that I sended before

Well, there are my presentation, I don't really know how to describe me, but I will try to do it as well I can.
I believe that to be described to oneself psychologically can be, sometimes, a bit false. It's simple, I believe that nobody says to himself that he is a liar, or a miser, or a bit dumb, they will say that they are a joker, that they likes to got many things and they are a bit ingenuous. Then, the psychologically description can be a bit difficult.
Well, some of them say that physically (for my robes) I am a bit strange, and psychologically too, because I like to speak with the people as if us are friends since a lot of time, without using very polite words or rodeos, then, doing that, I think that the conversation will be better, we will understand us better, and it will be easier to talk.
I think that I don't have "ego", it is that revolutionizes the hormones of the person and becomes he or she more violent only to impress a girl or a boy, or to up/still her/his autoesteem or personal valuation. And with more age, more ego. It can not be true, yes, it maybe can be, simply, bulling or boredom. I like to talk calmly with the people, and with the teachers too. But there are some people that likes to laugh of the people that is wrong or likes to criticize the people. Yes, I have suffered this, and for this reason I won't do it at others. But I think that there are things that have to change, things that are beneficial for some, but problematic for others. In this seccion, there are the exams. Yes, I can't do anything to change that or simply, cancel it. Beneficial for the teachers at time to mark, and problematic for the students because they to have to learn things only for remembering them, and when the examination concludes, they maybe olvides them. There are more options apart from the examinations, but I will extense this theme on a post in my blog. I don't want to be without themes to say.
I think that I sayed many wrong things and not much nice things. I really like the institute, it allows me to meet friends (well, I don't like so much to meet new friends, my 4 friends are sufficient) and be with they. I can learn things and I like it, but there are some things that I don't really want to learn, for this reason, I have been studying all the summer Psychology. I really like it because this can help to being with the people and learning to improve the mind. I like to talk (I prefer to speak in Catalan, but if I have to speak in English, I will try it. It's more difficult because I have to think that I will say before (but it's OK). In short, I like to talk with any person (any person less the the people that criticize the other for to be different, or that persons that hate and abuse the considered weak persons only to amuse itself or to impress the girls).
I think that I talked too much...
Well, is it what I had to do, really? Here concludes the presentation, or I think, because I can talk more and more.
Adrià Martínez1 BATX A

- Well, I choced this one because I think that is the best writing that I've done since the beggining of this course. I described me as well, but I could say more things of me, so it isn't finished. In the original text, I've done a lot of mistakes, so I corrected all them (or I tried it...). Well, there are somethings that aren't really true at this moment, because I changed my hairstyle (now I am more black than before, more, more black). Maybe all it isn't good, so I may put the other texts (I have them in my computer, so I don't put them for laziness), instead, I think that this is the best one, and it will be here, not the others.

14 nov 2009

An image for everyone

This new writing have come to my mind when I saw a picture that I have in this blog.
I think that we all have an ideal to follow, something we want to be or look like. An image that resembles us or define us. An "image" that guides our actions to become identical to this one. Although I don't think that this time will come, because the picture will evolve and change (even radically). This kind of "images" can be a goal for us, a goal that makes to continue. Or maybe the image can be a symbol of us, an image that "describes" us how we are.
I think that it's important, because we are "obliged" to continue to the time when we will feel "perfect", a perfection that had created the idea, and when we are in that perfection, we can evolve that idea to create a new one, or attempt to the people likes the idea and want to become like you.
It's difficult to get an example, or maybe it's very simple. A nazi maybe wants to be like his lider, Hitler, but maybe he wants to "evolve" (if it can be evolved...) this way of thinking and create another one that is more cruel, or violent, or more "right". A swimmer may want to become like the champion of his country, and when he reach that point (although it would not), he could think that he have reached a new image and then, he will be able to become a swimming teacher and deploy that image to their students.
I know that saying this things I don't say nothing important, and all it can be considered (by others) a lie. But I like this thinks.
Well, if I have to choose a picture for me for this moments, I think it would be this:

Natural Cure

Well, at the end of this summer I read in a psychology book, an interesting true story about a man who cured his wound without any medicine or recuperations. Well, this man (sorry but I don't remember his name... but I will search it) had a spinal injury that kept him from moving well and even after a time, to walk. This man believed with natural cures (not divine cures, or miraculous cures, or this kind of craps) like the mind cure. It consists in, in a large period of time, "feel" that this part of the body has no bad, not injuries... He "feel" it all the day, with periods of 1 hour some times per day. Also, he read books of medicine, and books of this kind of cures. In the progress, he only used a device that his doctor told he to use it some times to start walking when his medicines improve he some more (a medicines that he didn't take). Well, he also swam every day, and he did exercises to improve his back and his mind. In two years (I think) he healed the wound that doctors said it would heal in more, more time, or even that this would couldn't be healed.
Well, he explains it in a lot of pages, 40 or 50 I think, I have tried to resume it a little bit.
When I read this I was very surprised, but even I think is not true. Maybe it has invented all to pure merchandishing, or perhaps all is true, I don't know. Even so, I am sure that may be true, because the brain is powerful.

21 oct 2009

I will make an easy exam

Did he just say it to stimulate us, or really it will be simple?
Well, this phrase and others like "Most people approve", "I'll try to pass everyone" or "If you have studied, you can pass" is what you can hear from a teacher. No doubt that this teacher can be considered polite, and sometimes can be a beloved teacher for his sense of humor or his way of teaching. But why he can do an easy test and another teacher can't?
I know that is not the same History than English, Chemistry than Philosophy, Mathematics than Gymnastics, etc. While one can appreciate that you've memorized some formulations and how you play with them until you find the true combination, otherwise appreciates how you can memorize dates and names and then write them exactly in the precise order.
Yes, I know that everyone says that if you study enough, you can learn, which may be the most important thing at these moments. But the important thing (I think) is to get a good number, a good mark. Bone, why not all teachers "can make an easy test? In all subjects we should study before the test and then fill it. What X teacher can makes that, and Y teacher can't?
Yes, some subjects tend to "weigh" more than others, but there are forms to simplificate them anyway... Why the teacher can't say wich formulation or names will appear in the exam? (If it will be more important, or more difficult).
Well, saying this I have only given my opinion, nothing more. I will not criticize or value any teacher, as perhaps some of them share my view. And yes, I know that they do what their superiors send their. See you soon =D

11 oct 2009


Are really necessary or are only an invention to save work to the teacher?
Well, in my opinion it serves only to save time for the teacher.
It is assumed that students acquire knowledge throughout the course in X subject.
The purpose of this learning has to be necessarily a paper with questions that test the ability to remember (just remember not to know) from the student?
If one assumes that the student has been able to select the subjects that he wanted, the subjects who showed more interest or curiosity, and in the course he could learn something (which is retained in memory, something that really matters to him, something that he think that are better than other things), why the teacher would have to prove the students (what they called "knowledge"), if the student has already learned something, and he really knows that from the beginning of the course until X time their knowledge has increased?
I think that teachers must do tests to get a picture of the knowledge of the student. A photograph, not a video. The video would be the progress of the student, not by a test with the pressure that often leads. I know that finding an alternative method can be difficult, but it could exist. One method could be a nice teacher-student conversation, a conversation where the teacher will ask the questions and help the student. The teachers couldn't give the answer, but they will refresh the student's memory.
Perhaps it is not real for lack of time (most secure), and for this, or for laziness of the teacher, some students may suspend a subject because an educator says that he "does not rise to sufficient" when the student could fail for the pressure or simply, for a lapsus or "bad memory". His bad memory could not remember what the teacher asks (in history exams, for example), or what the teacher think that is "most important" or simply, what the teacher considered that is "more difficult" and therefore more important .
Furthermore, this type of examinations have (how not) traps, the typical "mini answer sheet". And how the teacher can approve a student who did not acquire any knowledge, a student who didn't do what these tests require, remember?
Yes, the teacher only has to got an answer sheet and correct the students test. They only has to put a number, a number that will say "how much things had learnt the student", or, how I say, "How much things had to remind the student for the X day".
Well, maybe some things can not change, until then, we have to resign a little. =D

4 oct 2009

Introduction of myself

Well, this is and will be my blog. I have to make this blog for order of the teacher, but I like the idea and I will try to do it well.
I have choiced this title because I like complements, the black colour, tinted hair etc. And also because I want one black tie, I like them! Apart from the ties, I like dark bracelets and scarves, dark clothing, eye shadow etc..
Maybe a guy with eye shadow can be something "strange" as an adult but I can not find a reason to don't wear it. I think they should abandon that sexist thinking and stop seeing pink for girls and blue for boys.
Apart from this, I hate some boys, those that think that they are the strongest, the smartest, the most beautiful... in front of girls and demostrate this mistreating other people considered "inferior". The worst of it is that some girls like that, and they do it more and worse. Always there is someone with more actived hormones than other, and he/she has to prove it.
Well, I very like psychology (I have read many books this summer) and I like to learn and talk about it (now I can't read more, because I have to read another books, the school books, if I not have to read, I probably continue reading psychology).