27 dic 2009

The evolution

Some persons don't believe in the evolution, some persons think that we hasn't changed since... our origins. I won't talk about the evolution of the human body, because it is so much clear, I don't know anyone with an "enormous" cranium, low stature, shaggy, identical to a monkey etc.
What I think that anyone could contradict, is that we've evolved mentally. Before we didn't know about medicines, technology, democracy... We've evolved physically and mentally, but now I think that the first kind of evolution is decreasing, is decreasing a lot, and the second kind is increasing.
Fortunately, we are improving in medicines, technologies... but physically? I think that now we are tallest than before, but it isn't a real evolution.
Probably in a lot of years there will be an evolution since now, but the culture avoids this. Some persons could feel disgust or fear to a man with six fingers in one hand, and maybe he will operate to remove it and become "normal", but the sixth finger will be in his DNA. If we all have the same culture, the same ethics... I think that we will evolve more than now, because there won't be borders (there won't be borders if we can eliminate all these stupids religions and beliefs). If the knowledge is widespread, there will be more and more new discoveries and advances because we will be more qualified persons. Maybe we won't evolve physically, but I'm sure that we will evolve mentally.
But first, we should eliminate some stupid theories, then, we will have it easier to evolve, and also, we will have more peace.