19 dic 2009

This has happened

At some moments, we see how a desire that we had, is fulfilled. Some persons (since I have said before) can think that they are fulfilled because something has listened them and has done things to make it true. The people with more reasonable thought, knows that the actions of oneself and the feeling of wanting to do this, have made this true.
Someone could say to me "It needs too many change to make it real", or simply "It's too change". I think that the change appears when we don't know something, because if we know it, we will know "the future". Our actions control us, when we've done something, this something will do another thing that will afects to us (butterfly effect), the union of all these "chances", these chances that have born of the feeling of wanting something, have created the future.
Maybe someone could think that if he/she does good actions, he/she will receive a remuneration, all actions make something and have a result. If your you move a leg, you consume energy. If you buy a car, you will have less money. If you look at the left side, you won't see somethings of the right side. If you pray... you don't do anything.