19 dic 2009


Some people say that god exists, and it's omnipotent. There are so many questions that torture the human mind, like "From where we are?" "Why do we exist?" "Which is the real origin of everything?" etc. The simplest answer that anyone could say can be "Someone who can do all, who are in everything, and who knows all, has done it". It's de simplest answer, if you say that when there are something that anyone knows, some people could believe you, because it could be true. If anyone knows why we are here, why do we exist or another philosophical question (a question without a real answer) and someone says "Someone who can do all created us." and he demostrates without demostrating this (with so many examples, metaphors, "fantastic" histories, traditions etc.) there will be some ingenious people who will believe he. People who don't want to search a the real answer, that answer wich are really hidden, that answer that forces you to spend all of your life to find that.
In some moments of the history, some persons wanted to demostrate that a thought without any scientific base is incorrect, and some of they had demostrated it (the spontaneous generation, for exemple), but there are things, things that happened in the past, that we can't know... and these things have so many answers. I'm sure that someone will demostrate that these stupid theories are... stupid theories.