13 dic 2009

No weapons

Yeah, this is what a lot of people wants, a world without weapons, without guns, tanks, chemical weapons etc. because it will create a more peaceful world.
There are religions that disagree with other ones (well, all religions disagree with the other religions), there are thoughts that contradict other thoughts, cultures that don't like to other cultures. If people did not care as other people (if they thinks for they, I mean, if you don't agree with another person, then talk with her, and if you won't be able to change her, then, stop to attempting to change her) and they do not try to change the way of being of others, all would be great, because there won't be contradicted opinions, there will be different opinions.
But it's difficult, because if in a religion, there are only one god, it is a male, and it is omnipotent, and in another religion, there are more than one gods, and these gods controls all... and also if a religon criticize other one only to have a different concept of something, a different created history of the god... maybe the peace with these two will be difficult, and if there aren't weapons, there are rocks, and other natural weapons.
A world without weapons could be great, but if there are violence in the persons, there will be a "cold" world, a world where there are cold wars and constant arguments among people... I think that it's better than a world with weapons, but... it isn't perfect.