It's good to help people who have terrible illness that will kill them, and in this moments there are a lot of projects that attempt to improve their lives, improving their live quality. If we want to save lives, we've to create new medicines, taste them and use them. It could be hard to search new usefull medicines, but we should give an acceptable life to everyone. Some people should allow these experiments and stop reproaching their just because it could be immoral or incorrect. If we do it to help people or learn something, it shouldn't be considered incorrect.
But it have to got an ending, a stopped point. We can cure illness people but we shouldn't "play" with dead people. When I say play I mean "to give life to dead bodies just because they were important or for curiosity. Of course that some people could improve the science finding new theories or investigations, but some of these great investigators are dead... Maybe we could resurrect them but... if we do this we couldn't evolve, because this therm will be strongly relationated with them, and we will be, simply, apprentices. But... we could resurrect them and when they will have done the investigations, discoverys etc. kill them... No, its a nonsense.
In this text I've given my opinion of these kind of things. To summarize, I agree to make "incorrect" experiments just to help people or learn, and I don't agree to make these experiments just to "cure" the curiosity or to our profit.