28 nov 2009

Best Friend

I have three different kind of friends, three groups that I've created to classificate my friendships. I have "friends" (those who I know, but I don't talk with them so much. In this group there are many people), friends (those who I see maybe everyday, and I laugh, talk, meet... In this group there are some people, but not so many) and friends friends (In this group there are, and have to be, less than 3 persons). I will use this post to talk about this last classification, my friends friends, my best friends.
In this moments, I think that I have 3 persons in this group, I won't say the name of all three, because some of my friends could be angry.
The best friend that I have in this moment, is Lluís. I met he in a online game, Metin2, a year ago. Since that moment, I've talk with he every (every, every, every) day, we never have been angry with the other. Maybe we've discussed sometime, but we always have solved it. He is so intelligent, and he understands me. He'd helped me a lot and I think that me too, but no so much as he.
He lives in Sabadell, and I never have seen he. Well, I heared his voice, but it's not the same... I have to see he! He saw me 2 times I think, but I haven't see he anytime... I have seen his live with his online girlfriends, I helped he with the schoolwork, I helped he "leveling" in the game etc. But he helped me more than me.
I still remembering those days when he "levelled" me in the game, he upped me like 55 levels (yes, its a lot of levels), and we'd enjoyed so much. We "killed" many enemies, and so more spiders. We've talked without stopping for hours... He helped me a lot when my first "pj" had been banned. I maked me to continue, and I continued for he.
I really love he (love of friends! Don't say me "gay" more! xD) and I want to be with he more (more, more, more...) time, I don't want to say goodbye to him, and I will try it.
For my best friend, Stiwiiiiii!!