All we had got a "best teacher", that teacher who makes easier his subject, that teacher who is more opened, more "cool" and sometimes, like "one of we". In my case that teacher was Narcís (oh... I miss he...). He was an Art teacher, and it's curious, because I never liked Arts so much. Since firsts days of his art classes, he showed a very extroverted character, he was so funny, facetious, charismatic, sexy (why not?), charismatic (I've said this before, right?) etc.
My memory has borrowed most of his classes, but at this moments I can still remember some of them. A class that he showed his super-elastic underpants (white dot underpants). A class that he taked my hand and "I drew" a picture of two pretty dogs. Another class that he said a very funny exemple of icebergs and penguins... And few more. Those pretty times where in my first year of Institute, when we were the news. I don't know where is he now, maybe he is studying for another professional career (before being teacher, he studied Arts, medicine, and also he was in the army). I really miss he, and what really hurts me is that I didn't say goodbye to he, because I didn't see he in the last day of the course... I remember some days, some days where he was a bit introverted and also less funny or more applied... I want to see he again and say the goodbye that I didn't give he time before.