I could do this, my parents let me and my hairdresser got the dye, so I did it. Now I don't have any blue hair, but... I have blue hair.
Well, I have to explain it a little better... The dye had got a blue shine, so, if there are much light and it shines my hair, this will shine with blue splendor. It's nice! I haven't got my blue fringe, now its black, but I like it too.
Yesterday I was so nervous, because I only dyed my hair two times, and these times was only for the fringe. And this time was for all the hair... It didn't hurt (logic), but I had to wait like 30 min., because the dye had to dry. I played with my mobile phone a little bit, and I talked with my hairdresser (a cool hairdresser... I like he). He told me that in the past (like 10 years), the hairdressers used the cigarette butts to take off the dye of dyed hairs. I didn't know it and I was surprised. He bought a different dye, a dye with blue shines, because he thinked that I will like it, and he guessed it.