20 nov 2009

Reflections of my Oral Presentation

Here concludes my "Reflections of my Oral Presentation".

No, I don't want to finish this post here...
I want to explain some "why?" fot some of my errors and nerves.
Well, first my video camera (my mobile phone) couldn't record me without someone holding it. Well, a friend had to record me, but it doesn't matter. Then my pen-drive (A MP3) didn't work, so I had to go downstairs to copy the powerpoint to another pen. While, some classmates who are doing a subject that I course too had to go to another classrom to do a test (yes, I arrived late, but I could do the exam). Well, when I arrived in class, I could open the Pen-drive that my teacher let me. But I was confused at the time to copy the powerpoint, and it was not there... Luckily, the MP3 did work (It hadn't battery) and I could open the powerpoint and do the presentation. Then, I tried to do a "good" O.P., seeing the people, showing me naturally, things like that... But you can see some of my white shirt under my purple jumper and I don't like it!
I didn't use the powerpoint for anything, it was only to decorate, and also, to my misfortune.. Something for my defence? I believed that the presentations began to work (not to start) on the first day that the teacher told us.

It's all...Well, if I have to give me a mark, I will say a 5, or maybe a 6 or 7 (Not... a 5 or a 6).