23 nov 2009

What do I want?

Why do we continue, if in the future we will have more problems, economics problems, social problems, work problems, wounds and more problems in general?
I remember the fantastic (of fantasy, not of spectacularity) tale of a monk, a monk who went to pray to God to get problems, because he didn't have one. He said that he lives only to resolve his problems and some of the other, but he had not problems, he sleeps and eats every day, he wasn't married and also, he didn't love anyone. Then, a god said he that he had a problem, he did not look after things well, because always there are something that causes problems to us.
Yes, it's a bit stupid...
Life can give us a lot of joys, but also a lot of concerns. I'm not a suicide, in some moments I like the life, those moments where I'm laughing or being with my friends... things like this.
Have we some other option? Could we life without these "unnecessary" problems? Of course that not. If we live in a rural house, with animals and a calm life, we will have problems too (to take care of the animals and plants, getting food...), and if we don't have problems (if it could be), we would be very bored. Don't say me "see the good things of the life, not bad things", because in the good things, can be a lot of bad things, and I use to see only them.

Exams, problems with friends, family, homework, more exams, loneliness, etc.
Well, but I like some things too, like my blue hair! ^^