Maybe my hair covered my eyes, but I tried to look all the time to the people, although sometimes I "needed" to look at the ground. I didn't have any notes, or recordations (maybe for this reason I had a very long lapsus and more things...). I tried to learn it all the time to say all it after, but it hasn't got "progress", so I confused some things and, in the beggining, I said some things that I shoulded said at the end.
I was very (very very very very) nervous, I only had 2 days to prepare it, only 2 days to learn all it (yes, I am a bit fool, I shoulded ask for it, but I didn't know
that it was wrong), and, of course, I forgotted it. Also, in some moments I didn't understand me, so I'm sure that the other people neither. I tried to get a correct pronunciation and say good words to say things, but... I think that it didn't happen.
I don't want to continue because I will be sad and frustrated in the upcoming English classes, but I have to do it.

I don't want to continue because I will be sad and frustrated in the upcoming English classes, but I have to do it.
Well, for the next presentations I could improve my pronunciation, text structure, etc.. And practice earlier (before 2 days at least ...), and bring notes, etc. etc. I'll try to correct some mistakes (maybe it's too difficult to eliminate all they) that I did in this O.P.. Well, here goes the Literal transcription:
- I'm Adrià, and I will explain something about my interests. Well, I have many interests... Well not, I have some interests but they are not very interesting to count here. Instead this things I will explain something that I think that be more interesting than other things (then I touch my hair =P). In the end of this summer, I started reading some criminology books and some psichology books, and I thinked that I could do a presentation of this. Instead I can talk about videogames, my greatest interest, but I could be a little geek, "friki,
vamos...". Well, I think that psichollogical books are really interesting and because of them I will explain a psichollogical experiment that they are better. In one of them, there are... The scientists (Then I touch another time my hair...) had got two groups of people, and they showed them a video with terrible car accidents. And... when the film is (lapsus!!). When the people are seeing the film, the scientists asked them "how fast was this car going before the clash?" (I had to said this 2 times), and then to the second group, they asked the same question but changing the word clash with another with less violence, like impact... or, shock... I don't know. And then the scientists see that the first group answered an answer (logic...) 30 km faster than the velocity of had sayed the second group (yes, I explained it fatal). Well, if the second group sayed... 100 kilometers per hour then the first group had sayed 130 km/h (3rd time that I touched my hair). And it doesn't finish here, a few weeks later, the scientists asked to the first group if they remembered a broken glasses that there was in a brutal accident, these glasses never existed, so it was a lie (Then the power-point failed me...). Well, and the first group remembered that glasses and also they described them. It's really curious... Well, and something else, I think that can be an history of a criminology book that I've read at the end of this summer (Yes, I repeated it) that explains the history of Walburga and her husband Fred. Walburga was a beauty woman, a very beauty woman (not so much, I exaggerated a bit), and
Fred was ugly, but a very rich businessman (Then I touched my hair another time). So... they had just married, and they lives "happy" a few years. Well, Walburga didn't loves he, so she had a lover. Well... one night, Fred went to his house, drunked, and he start hitting she, and... the lover of Walburga, called Otto, went to the house and killed he with a pistol. Then Walburga taked care of the situation and stoled the valuable clock of her husband and gived it to her lover, Otto. Then Otto scaped, he went away. Then Walburga went to a closet and locked the door by inside... and she called the police. She sayed at the police that a thief went to her house, killed her husband, stoled the valuable clock, and locked she in a closet. The police believed she... and she had got all the money of her husband. Well, but... a few years later, the lawyer of Walburga and Otto testified against she, but... The judge never believed she, because... the police never finded any proves to inculce them (yeah, inculce doesn't have meaning) (and also I touched another time my hair). So Walburga was absolved and Otto too. Well, the justice is blind. Ok, here concludes my Oral Presentation.

(Ah, The video doesn't have enough volume...)