13 dic 2010

Human Rights

0. My quiz's score is 36 wells and 5 wrongs...
1. Human rights are the rights and freedoms about physicall and mental terms that every human should have.
2. Human rights borned at 1948.
3. They were created to avoid the "superiority" of a group of humans to another group. They're attemporal, so they've became a reference of the political-etical-social order.
4. There are 30 Human Rights.
5. I wasn't heard so much about 23.3th right: "Everyone who works has the right to just and favourable remuneration ensuring for himself and his family an existence worthy of human dignity, and supplemented, if necessary, by other means of social protection."

6. and 7: Most of Human Rights are respected in my country, but there are few ones that don't. For example, the right that I've said before. There are a lot of works that doesn't give the sufficient money to the worker, and he can't support his family (it depends of the quantity of members, but now I'm talking of a family wich 3 or 4 members). We should think, also, what's the "sufficient" money to support a family, because maybe the sufficient to support a family it's just 1 piece of clothes and a bit of food for everyday. But it's common to doesn't give an exactly quantity of money for every person according to his family or needs, the bosses and company leaders will just give one exactly quantity of money to everyone, and if you don't like it, look for another work, it's the reality. And they can do it, there are no rule that prevents that, because if there's one rule that controls people's wages, one by one, there'll be like a comunism country. We can always to ask for an increase of salary to satisfy our needs, but of course they are not obligated to do that. In fact, this human right is so relative and it could be avoided easily.
In the past I think that there were the same problem, if anyone can avoid them to get an own benefit, it could be avoided. I know that's negative for the other person, and maybe there were people that was honest and equitable, but if someone have control to another person, and this one can't to be opposed to him, the controller'll seize the opportunity. This can be seen in groups of people that are constantly threatened for more "powerfull" people, if they rebel, they'll finish badly. These problem've been in the past and there are in present too, in so many countries and places there are a group of people that "are" more powerfull to another group and they abuse them. There are no many solutions, there are a lot of dreams and "it should be..."s, but it's difficult to fight and to die for a problem that will ever exist.

20 nov 2010

Podcast - Phylosophy program

My voice's like a child voice... how embarrassing!

18 nov 2010

Film review

Well, according to my lasts film reviews (Death Note 1 and 2) I have to finish this saga with the third (and last) film of Death Note, "L change the world".
The film tells how L, in his lasts days of life (at the 2nd part we can see how he wrotes his own name on the Death Note assuring his life 23 days, then he'll die), resolves so many cases of murdereds, robbering etc. and he specially interfeeres in a bioterrorism plot that have some scientists and a "companion" of him. They created a virus that can spread quickly and kill those people that it've infected without any possibility to recovering (because these scientists had the antidote). L can't be affected by the virus because his pact with the Death Note, and with the "help" of two children he will be able to stop scientists and to "save the world".
One year ago, I were fascinated with these films, specially with this, because L is a really lovely character (because his rarety and his intelligence). But now I see these films with "another eyes", I'm seeing the anime serie another time, and when I compare these two... In my opinion actors of these overact a lot their movements and facets, and it does less credible the history. But it's a difficult history, and they'd just like 2 hours to summerize like 15 hours of this series. This 3rd film, for example, I think that L's fans think that it's a really good film, cause L is the protagonist and he does things that he never've done in the series. And also cause he looks like more sensitive. The characters are really well made, they're exactly with the anime characters, but before I've already told my problem.

17 nov 2010

Oh my god!

Well, I've read another interesting post of that interesting friend.
This time she talked about the stupidity of some politicians and about the danger of thieves (here you have the link: http://live-blog1batx.blogspot.com/2010/09/ho-my-god.html ). She says that some thieves of Venezuela can steal or directly moor you to get your money (obviosly), your mobile-phone (typical) and maybe even your shoes (what!?). It's clear that these thieves are more needed that those that there're here, but I don't know if they want the same as us (I'm refering about the desire that they are attempting to satisfy).
I think that the most part of "our" thieves are people that just acts as "street's Robin Hood", I mean, they steals money to pay with them drugs, clothes, and more "unnecessary" things. They just buy "complements" for their live. As I said previously in another post, these thieves shows us that we are just animals, and we always have to choose between to suppress the directly satisfaction of one desire (killing or stealing to get what we wants) or to work hard to get it legally. I think that "our" thieves, just don't want to work (laziness) and they steal us the money that they don't want to earn legally.
But I think that those thieves that are described in her post, just want to survive in that "difficult country". Obviously there shouldn't be thieves in anywhere, and our policy tries to dissipate them, but it can't. Our capitalism forces us to work hard diary, and to outperform other people to get more power, influency and money. But what happens with those people that just want these "rewards"? And what happen if rewards are just a pair of shoes?

Podcast - Joke

Ok, here goes a little joke. Hope you like it:


- What's a fish without an [ai]?
- A "fsh"

([ai] could be "eye" or the letter "i")

16 nov 2010

My mind

This afternoon, I was looking for an interesting blog that has an interesting friend of mine. Finally I found it and I saw that she wrote a "description" about her mind, likes and personality (the title of this writing is homonymous as her), here's the link, if you want to read it:
She tells that she's so creative, and likes to create characters and unusual clothes for them, and also to create histories and to use different styles of drawing (american, japanese, lords and dragons, etc.)
I have to admit that I like this world, but just to having fun reading or maybe to be fascinated with the style of characters. When I was younger (as 7 or 8 years old) I tried to learn how to draw correctly. Logically I couldn't draw anything with any real thing (to summarize, my draws were horrible). Time after I've tried it again, and I think that I haven't improved anything since then... I have realized that I don't like to create histories and characters, I see it as a very difficult thing. I don't worth to be creative, it has ever been my handicap and since I were a child, I didn't get high marks in language because of my "creative writings". As you can see, I just like to express my feelings and thinks, to create and think about perfect places or personalities, but there're just concepts.
I see those manga drawings just as... drawings. I've seen so many animes in TV and when I see some draw about those typical big-eyed people, its difficult for me to see the effort that're behind them. I'm not saying that I don't value that effort, some of my "tresaures" are manga drawings, but they've something that I don't see in those typical pictures, a history behind them. I mean, they are like symbols of moments or feelings, and when I see them I feel the feeling that I experimented before, or I remembered what happened etc. I really thing that these symbols, these histories that are behind some "simple" objects, are the most valuable gift that someone's can receive. When I see people giving rings, necklaces, roses... I see them like empty gifts, they're just gifts that "have" to be given. Gifts that I think that have the most value, are those that are given in any moment, not just in "special moments" (christmas, birthdays...). Those that really means something for the couple, and just they feels what the gift hides.
But of course, all we likes to receive gifts. And I'm not an exception.

15 nov 2010

1st O.P. - Humour, sitcoms

Well, here's my "first" Oral Presentation. I have to admite that it's been short, but it's been the first one and the first one that I've done it with another person. There are 4 videos that fills the O.P. and also they're so funny and made us laugh. We (me and Nicole) had passed a good time doing the text and looking for funny videos, and I think that we've done a good presentation. As you can see, my english level are so inferior than her, but try to don't get dissapointed when you see the comparison... I think that nexts O.P. will be individually, so I will be more nervous (excuse my self-confidence). But I won't loose my elegance (tie)!

Well, here's the transcription:


- In two thousand and thirty, Ted sits down his daughter and his son to tell them how he met their mother, his wife. He tells them starting at the year two thousand and five and him being a twenty seven year old single, that it's when he starts to search for his perfect mate. This sitcom contains many funny moments and at the end of each chapter, there are a little reflection about life and love. Here you'll see a little video of that:

"2nd sitcom"

- Family Guy is about an American family, the Griffins: Peter and Loise, the parents, their children Chris, Meg and Stewie, and their antrophomorphic pet dog, Brian. It bases much of his humour on parodies, and unexpected situations, especially Stewie. There are many many sketches. Let's see a little video:

- "4th sitcom and end"

Dreams - Letter

I don't have many dreams, and I prefer to don't express some that I have. I could say that I would like to learn about psychology and to use it in my future work career, but not just to help or to "cure" people.
I would like to realize those common dreams, like to get a nice house with a family, and to be useful for the society, to have a lot of money, etc. Everyone has these dreams, because all them realizes universal dreams (power, love, company...), and I'm not an exception, but I see them like... improbable and a bit "unnecessary" for these two arguments:
Firstly, I believe that it's too difficult to realize these dreams, because all them demand us so much dedication and suffering and I think that the most part of them are just "formal dreams", I mean, secondary dreams. Those that you don't need like the dream of to have power and influence to the other people. In my opinion, society are so egoist, and if anyone can choose freely between to dominate a person or to cure another person, I think that he would choose to dominate, because then he will be ab le to get more physical things and not just an smile. i'm not saying that the smile doesn't have value, because it's probable that the person, who chose the power, chose it to get the smile of one specific person...
Scondly, to have a nice house, a family, useful for the society, to have a lot of money... all them are selfish desires, they're related in how people will see us. They will give us more respect if we have an splendid house and if we are useful for the society, the family could help us in our difficult moments (maybe it's the most "correct" and "not egoist" dream...) and, of course, to have a lot of money will describe us more than 100 words.
In addition, in the most of these dreams appears money like the cause of them. We can't get a good house if we don't buy it or a family if we can't support them etc. So these dreams could be realized if we just have a lot of money.
Finally, dremas that I think that are the most important, are those that don't need money to be created, supported and ended. It might seem that there are few ones, but there are a lot. And are these dreams, these that are more intimate, wich we don't tell to the other people, and of course, I won't be an exception.

10 nov 2010


I think that something that should have done for own will, like to meet with friends, to learn the lesson or to respect an "important" person or object, we've turned it into a need. Our social status haven't just given us a place in this world, it also defense us from him, so "we" need to keep it and to improve it to get a calmer and more pleasant life. A protection formed by a repression of our primary desires and also a beauty mask provides "safety" to us. If we haven't these protection, we would live, literally, like wild animals.
But this "protection" use to fail, to be broken by the time. I mean, when someone see us like what we are, animals, he should think that this protection is just a necessary joke. I think that nobility and to be hidden from the world, are directly proportional (when one of them grows, the other one too). I don't like to recognize someone that I don't know anything like "superior" just because he has done "important" things that I never heard about them before. I know that this person could have spent a lot of time in his work or maybe he's done something that anyone did it before, but I won't give to him more respect if I don't value his work or if I haven't heard anything about him... I think that's logical. I'm not trying to justificate a "wrong" conduct, I'm just saying that in this elitist society, if someone do disagreeable things, people think that he's a bad person. But it's not true... these people that kill, robber etc. shows us that we are what we are, just animals. These people satisfy their instintive desires, those desires that ALL US have. We've created the culture, and not the upside-down.

5 nov 2010

News - Naps and memory

Time ago, I read an article that explained some curious and really usefull "not much knowed" things about our spanish contribution to the world: the siesta.
I've read that siesta improves our learning process and also our long term memory. In addition, it told that if we sleep after studying, we'll memorize better the studied thing, because we would have eliminated disturbing influences.
I knowed something related to this, but I didn't remember that I have that importance. We have many "needs" that demand us a big and progressive mental effort, so some times we could underestimate the sleep just to satisfy them. But the reality is that if we don't sleep enough, we'll learn slowly and it'll be more difficult. I know that's hard to sleep always our 8 hours, because we can do things at night that we can't in day, or just because we want to extend the day. I'm not the most appropiate person to say this, I love to go to sleep late, I like to see the darkness of my street with his fresh smell and the sheen of the moon... and also because I'm more calmed, relaxed and inspired in late hours than in early hours. I would like to have more "free" time to sleep calmly, or to satisfy some "needs", but we all are imprisoned in a cultural prison... but I'll talk of it later, when I'm more inspired.

13 oct 2010

About "Kings"

That person that controlls his group of friend, a person that if goes to X, his friends will go to X. That "omnipotent" person that can control mind and actions of his plebeians... They exist, and I'm sure that we all know one of them and, in some moment, wanted to be like one of them. People likes to be powerful, to be able to control other people and to be accepted. I think that those "kings" just exist when we are young, when we are more easily influenced and just another child that we know, someone that are better in X that the rest of children, someone that just have more friends or is more "guay" can get a "higher" social status.
Maybe we can hate that person, but if our friends go with him, I'm sure that we'll go with them (with our friends, not with the "king"). And it's the beginning. In this moment we have three different ways: to become a new and more charismatic "king" and to "recruit" our friends, to continue with the new "king" and, slowly, to incorporate his philosophy or maybe to look for new friends. We often change our influences, and we won't go with "rotten apples", I think that everyone'll go with the people he wants being agree with his ethics. We need a 3rd person to critizice our friendships to have an idea about them, but it's difficult to reduce (mentally) the social status that the "King" have.
In sometimes I experimented some of these situations (to choose between my friends and to follow a "King", or to be independent) and I have to admit that in some times I choosed the "wrong" way... But now, I think that if someone wants to be a free-thinker he'll lose friends and opportunities. We can't be absolutely independent, we'll be influenced now and later.

Things that I've learned

I'm not glad to tell this, but in many moments I've felt really interested in one subject. I mean, that kind of interesting that make you to search about it, to fascinate with the new discoverys, to really learn ("really learn" = not to repeat to learn) about what you are reading or experimenting etc. I think that if you can't choose what you want to learn, if you just have to learn, you won't feel the same interest that if you can choose what you want and investigate for your own.
Of course that there are variables that can influence the learning, like the teacher, the part of the subject that you're studying, the ambient (classroom, friends), the use of the subject, etc. etc. But if you want, you can remove these variables and learn without impediments.
In my case, I've learned "a lot" about psychollogy and I can use that in my daily life, I've learned some things that explains me things that didn't have any reasonable explanation (what are dreams, how to interpret them to know a lot about the person, etc.). And now I can learn more about this subject cause I'm taking it in school, and it looks really interesting.
But it's difficult to attend to other "less interesting" subjects... so it's good to know a bit of all and to "specialize" in what you want.


Well, here I go again... I've success 1st of bachillerat and now I'm on the 2nd year. I remember when I felt a bit depressed because I failed some subjects (5, exactly), but I retaked them (except Maths, that today I've just done the recuperation exam) so I passed a "carefree" summer.
It's been one of my bests summers (maybe the best one), I couldn't do some things that I wanted to do, but it was so nice. I've could read some interesting psychology books (1 of persuasion and 2 of psychoanalysis) two of philosophy etc. I read them sat in a swing, alone, in a park that there are near of my house. This park has become like a symbol, I was so calm there and I could think without interruptions.
I've lost some important things (excuse my "mystery", but I don't want to give details... personal matters), things that were so important to me, like paramount. But it was too much bad. I don't know if it could be solved...
But well, like I've said before, it was a "perfect" summer. Thanks.

4 jun 2010

Final evaluation

I think that this year have been difficult. But this subject hasn't been a big problem for me. Even if I had successed all 3 terms, I still have to improve my English level, because my grammar is not allright, and I don't speak English with so many fluency and frecuency. Thanks to this blog, I've been able to express my own thoughts and feelings and at the same time, to pass a subject. Maybe I've been a bit monotonous with some issues like religion, but I think that they are very important and they induce a lot of thoughts and opinions.

I also have expressed my inspiration in other texts, like "An image for everyone", "To listen my memory", or more recents texts, like "A language without lies" or "Maturity". They could be my best writings, but I don't have a "best writing"... I don't have a "superior" thought so I won't focus in anyone. I think that there've been a progress since the origins of this blog, but it's not enough, of course. I haven't post musics or many news because I think that they're "too easy" matters. They often induces the same thoughts or feelings to everyone, so I believe that these thoughts aren't much important, because they are homogeneous and a bit empty. For this reason, I've tried to look deeply into these matters and avoid those current "pseudo-sentimentalism" in other typical topics of life.

If I should change something of this year... I would change the oral presentations. I know that they are instructive and beneficial for us, but I've suffered a lot before my turn. They are so "specific"... I know that we could (or should) do them like robots, just saying what we've learnt, without feelings, we have to interest our listeners, and it's not easy if we have to talk about a specific matter. In the other hand, our class were amusing and different than the other classes, so they were good. Specially our "free" days in our language room, that freedom were fantastic!

If I success (I hope so!) I will continue with this blog in the next year. Since then, good bye!

30 may 2010

Equity and inequality are a progress - News

According to a scientific research of the prestigious magazine "Science", since we are children until adolescence, we experience some psychological changes that changes our concept of equality. They've done an experiment with 500 child between 5º and 13º school grade and they verified that the children of higher grades have a "corrupt" concept of the equality. They think that people with more "individual success" have to be more rewarded than other people, other people that have done the same work. For example, a boy could give more "money" to another that is more popular, or that have done the same work but with more art or skill.
It shouldn't be like this... If two boys've done the same work, they should charge the same quantity of rewards. I think that we are too selective, so we can't deal with the same quality two different people. Payers should be more cold, they shouldn't have feelings or secondary valuations when the workers've done the same work. I know that it's different if the workers are so different and when they have to employ different quantities of their capacity, in these cases, that people that have employ more of theirselves should be a bit more rewarded, I think that it's just. Unfortunately, it doesn't happen really often.

29 may 2010

A created cell - News

Some days ago, I read a new from a newspaper that inform us that a group of scientists have created a DNA, a DNA identical to one type of cell. They removed the DNA from one of these cells and have put the created DNA to the cell. Surprisingly (or not) the cell was still alive. They've managed to duplicate all of the nucleotides of the cell. They've been working for a long time, and they've demostrated us that the concept of "every cell comes from another cell" isn't completely true. And also it shows us that in the future, we will probably be able to create cell to cell, an organ. If we have liver problems, they do another for us, if we've lost a hand in an accident, they do another for us... It will change completely our lives.
But... I think that it isn't correct at all, because we could abuse of these radical cures. Everyone could smoke without any fears, or to drink a lot of alcohol, etc. Life would be so less dramatic, people won't cry for accidents, they will just pay for the injured part of the body and no more. What's more, there would be more overpopulation and in consequence, we will need more products, more consumption, less resources etc. So these cures could be our disease, if we use them indiscriminately. We should suffer and to have important diseases, then it will be more exciting.

24 may 2010

Reflections of my O.P.

Oh dear... I don't think that I've improved since the last time, maybe a little bit since the first time, but it's not enough. I were so nervous and you can see it just hearing my voice, I had to pause in some moments because sometimes I lost the text from my mind and I didn't know how to continue. I have done more visual powerpoints, and I tried to gesticulate a bit more, but I think that I've done always the same, moving like a pendulum.
There were some difficult words and I had problems, but I tried to pronounce it as well as I can, even so I think that in some moments my pronunciation was ridiculous... There aren't many moments that I had to read, so I think that I've improved in this part. I organized the information into different topics and subtopics, maybe I should to connect them better. I won't talk about my grammar... it was horrible!
I like to do O.P., but as long as I know what and how to say what I want to say... I felt bad when I saw some "excellent" or "so good" presentations of the other people, so it concerned me a bit. When I remember this 1st of bachillerat, I will remember these bitter presentations. I'm sorry but I don't like to do them. It's difficult to me to talk in English, and so more to memorize a text and to say it exactly later... Fortunately, they've finished.

3rd O.P.

Here's the transcription:
- I will talk about corruption. According to a dictionary, corruption's definition is "To be guilty of dishonest activities, as bribery, lacking integrity, crooked, etc. So... it's to do illegal things to obtain an own good. There are corruption in all of government levels.
There are different types of corruption:
Like the legislative corruption: it's when the... (Then someone opened the door, so I became confused and I got lost) government modifies the existing laws to adapt them to their own needs, and not to the population needs.
The administrative corruption, when the government prevents the investigations or actions against his and when they've preferences in business that the "normal" people doesn't have (I know that I have done some gramatical errors, but... well, I was nervous).
And the last one is the private corruption, when conflicts of interests appear in private signatures, or when the controls become too many expensive or to difficult, then they can't do it. (Then I lost my voice and the neck hurt me) Is here where there are the bribes, bribes (I pronunciated it wrong), changes of the quality of the goods, etc.
The causes of the corruption could be the lost of moral precepts or maybe the low importance of the suffering of a population. In short, to don't care about anything or anyone to get what you want.
And the consequences could be the mistrust, because no one wants to invest or save their money in a bank, because in any moment the government could change the existing laws or do some "necessary" (I gestured a little bit when I said this word) actions and take a part of them.
Emm... A cure for the corruption could be the real socialism. We shouldn't considered ourselves like "inferiors" or "poor" people because we are who should govern. We should take side in the political actions.
And another cure could be some manifestations, radical manifestations, or simply to remove the existing... members of the government and create a new team.
Umm... Corruption is not specific to poor countries. In the western countries of Europe there have been causes of bribery and another corruption forms. Like under-the-table payments done by patients to reputed surgeons to get the firsts places of the (list of) forthcoming surgeries.
Bribes paid by suppliers to medical industries in order to sell poor quality capacitors or poor quality (This second option weren't in my notes, so I didn't know how to continue) desfibrilators (I didn't know how to pronunciate it...). Bribes paid to obtain diplomas, to get more votes, etc.
To finalize I want to say that corruption, like more other illegal things is done in secret. So if we perceive some hint of evil we should prepare for the future and find a cure before you see the corruption. That's all.

21 may 2010

Death note 2 (film)

The second and the last movie of this fantastic series. In this one, we see the increase of power of Light thanks to his machiavellian plans and the "help" of Misa, an actress (a bit stupid) that possesses another death note. Misa is in love with Light, and Light takes advantatge of the situation and "uses" Misa to create new plans. He manages to get away from the suspisious of L and he continues killing bad people.
The final is so different than the serie... too different! Well, it's exactly the opposite. In the movie "wins" the most loved character, but there aren't appear some other characters. There are some charismatic characters that haven't appear in (like Near and Mello). In addition, they've eliminated the character who "causes" the end of the serie: Mikami.
The film is good, but not good enough like the serie. I definitely recommend the serie, but if you haven't got enough time, the films are Ok to know, in general terms, what's about it.

15 may 2010

Helena - Music

I really like this song! And so more the videoclip. It's so impresive and it make me remember "not very old" good times. Singer's clothes are great (well, they are "normal clothes" at the place where they are) and I like the hair of the singer... The song is a dismissed to a girl who died, but (if I've understood it well) she wasn't an "angel".
It's curious how the mentality changes when that "bad" person dies... When he's dead, there are a lot of sadness and tears, but when he's alive, people prefers to criticize and change him to "the better way". I think that we should express how we need or "love" the persons that are with us, not for obligation (we are "obligated" to say to our parents that we love they, because they are our parents...) or to get an answer.
Well, here's the video:

The (real?) existence

Some persons don't believe in the existence of some legendary or religious persons, like Epona, Caín or others. But in some situations we have the same evidences of their existing that some evidences of the existing of some ancient kings, warriors or other "important" persons. I mean, maybe X person can believe that king arthur really existed, and he, according to a legend, is at this moment under his natal country, waiting in a secret cave until his people need him, and then he will rise up to the surface to help them in a war or other things... and another person can think that this history is really stupid.
The persons who believe in this history have their "proves" (not empirical proves, of course), but they have some books that explains it and give them "good" arguments. But... we can have the same "proves" (texts or physical things) to demostrate that a famous persons existed (persons like Jaume I, or Alejandro Magno). We have texts and maybe some physicall "proves" to demostrate that they existed, but no more. However, we believe it...
But it can be that the existence of these "real" important persons was really a lie, an elaborated plot or a meticulous conspiracy? It's curious...
Maybe I'm too sceptic, but I'm not refering to the content or logic of these proves, I'm refering at the types of proves.

11 may 2010

A language without lies

At these days I've been thinking about this, could exist a language that disables the use of lies? A language wich use demands sincerity, in wich we also can't use metaphors... I believe that if it's an oral language we could modifies it. If we have to say a combination of sounds to prove that what we will say it's true, "we would never lie", because we might use this combination and "prove" that we will say the truth. So a combination of sounds before the arguments couldn't work. But if it's an "excellent" and very logical explanation of X, a totally objective explanation, could work. But it can also be modified, if we don't "use" a logical analyzer and some good psychologists, it could fail.
So we would need a not verbal language, an analyze of the brain of X person to determine if he lies or not. At this moments polygraphs already exist, but I'm searching an alternative method, one less specific and complex... Maybe, if we could make speak the subconscious mind and not the conscious side of the person, if there were a fast and simple way to do it, we could use this and know the truth. I will search and investigate more about this.

(I think that I haven't said anything with all this text... Well, they're only thoughts.)

7 may 2010

Informal letter

Mare de la Font, 21
Castelló d'Empúries 17486
24th March 10
Dear Kieron,
Thanks for your letter. You've asked to get some information about my country and I will try to give you some. I haven't travelled so much, but I know some places that tourists use to go and some others that they don't, but there are pretty too. If you only want to stay in Castelló, I can help you.
I can recommend you my town; I like it because it's small and beautiful. It's a calm place that doesn't have so many exciting situations.
There are old places like some houses, the church, some squares etc. that haven't been changed or modernized. But there are also some modern places, like some restaurants, the library, etc. The atmosphere of the town is so relaxed, and nature surrounds the town with countries, a small woodland, trees, etc. The people are friendly and there are a lot of young people. If you want to visit other places, I recommend you Empuriabrava for his touristic places and his beach, or to go shopping or to see museums in Figueres, etc.
If you want to live one of the bests festivals of this town, I can definitely recommend you the "Terra de Trobadors" festival, a festival that return the town to the middle age. It's at September, so you could go here with summer clothes, because it's stills warm.
Sincerely yours,
Adrià Martínez
P.S. If you come here, come with your dog. He will enjoy this town.

2 may 2010


Another thought:
I believe that all we need the same father, a phisicall (not biologic) father. A man who says to us what's good and what's wrong, someone that athemore and influences respect. A right/fair person and no-corrupt. It's necessary a person whom we respect, whom we don't want to hurt or criticize.
A just person... But this term is a bit relative, according to mr. Word Reference:

fair, just
free from favoritism or self-interest or bias or deception; or conforming
with established stadards or rules.

Could it exist? Could exist a person who is able to personificates this definition?
In my opinion: No. All we are looking for something, all we need an aim. Everybody have his price, everybody can be nasty (No, I'm wrong, everybody are nasty), everybody lies etc. So we have to create this someone or something that fulfill these features.
I'm sure that we could create a program that says what's good and what's wrong, a PC program that shows all the positive and negative conclusions of X action and "what should we do". But could we accept it? Could a pc program control us? We can disconnect it or, simply, don't see it. To see and examinate what this program shows, we need to connect it and search what we want before, so if we have a strong thoughts, we couldn't do this and do what we want. So this method fails.
We need an omnipresent and omnipotent person, voice, writing... that shows us the "real" way, the "correct" and "best" way. Since there's nobody like this, we've to create a "different kind of culture", something called religion. We need someone to say "sorry" when we failed in something, we need someone who ask "what should I do?" when we are undecided... We need an example of "good". All of us need a father, who should be perfect for all and the same for everyone... A father, or a God.

30 abr 2010


Is correct to evaluate the madurity of someone?
In my opinion: Not. I think that all we have our own maturity, it's difficult to find someone who thinks that he isn't mature, because at these moments, the people thinks that if you aren't mature, you are like a child. According to Word Reference diccionary:
mature, matured
fully considered and perfected; "mature plans"

To say that someone isn't mature, is to say that he doesn't got his thoughts well desenvolupated or perfected. But what's to have a fully considered and perfected thoughts? To answer this question we need to have a point guide, a kind of thoughts that "all" of us have accepted them like "mature thoughts", or "a mature way of thinking". But according to his definition, we shouldn't need a guide point to compare two thoughts, what we should need, it's to think if that thought is adapted to the person who has created it, it's to "see" if that thought is adapted objectively to his way of thinking and feel...
"I won't talk to her because he hurted me saying that I get tired inmediatly when I'm running!"
This argument is mature. The boy who have said that have thought that if he does this the girl who have said it to him will react and maybe she could apologize to him, or to talk about it etc.
To summarize, I think that if an argument is made good if it have his premises and his conclusions. The content doesn't matter too much.

7 mar 2010

2nd Podcast

I think that it's too short...

2nd Re-writing of Frankensteins opinion

At these moments, all of biology and cure advances could reflect the great evolution that we've suffert. Some scientifics are investigating with mother cells and some other are producing pharmacs that will cure ill people. Scientifics learn things using their methods, they create hypotesis and they comprove them. But, in some facts, their work could be a bit questionable or problematic.
They are able to cure ill people, to "give more live" to people, to help them... They can kill bacterys, bacterys that we didn't know about them before, and scientifics've showed them to us. Medicine is advancing constantly, and it really help us.
But some people criticize some things that scientifics do to investigate, like clonation. They say that we should not "create live", because we aren't gods and we shouldn't play with live. It's different to create organs to really ill people, that to create all of the animal. That animal will be "only a copy" from the original, and he could have some mental problems about that. There are more things that can be criticized, like to experiment with rats or other "inferior" animals... There aren't inferior animals, so it's really cruel to kill they, or change their lives, but we have to do this if we want to comprove something.
There aren't many different options to change "wrong" things that we've doing to improve medicine, but I'm sure that there are some...
In conclusion, medicine helps us, their methods could be questionable or problematic, but it improve our lives and we need that.

2 mar 2010

Reflections of my O.P.

Too quick!!
The most of the other... no, all of the other students have done extense presentations, presentations that have dure 5-7 minutes, and I think that my presentation has been the shortest. I thinked that it should dure the sufficient time, but I was wrong. No, I didn't gesticulate so much, and also I saw too many time at my notes. Maybe I hadn't enough images and too words, I don't know... Yeah, I haven't done a "fantastic" or just an "acceptable" O.P. but I tried to made it well, I studied and recited it, but it's not enough.
Well, as you can see that day I weard my black tie (I love it!), and my pink belt was moving all the time... but it don't make me happy! I will try to improve for my next (and last) o.p.
I will try it...

My 2nd Oral Presentation

Well, in my 2nd O.P. I tried to be better than my first one, I've done a "better" PowerPoint (more visual), I tried to see the public and don't look so much to my notes (but in some times I had to see them...), etc.
Like my first O.P., I've failed in so many things. I was nervous, the tone of my voice was a bit monotonous, and the worst: It was too short/rapid! It only lasted like 3 minutes! And it had to dure 5-7 minutes. And also I didn't gesticulate so much. I think that I've improved than my first O.P. but I don't know if this one should raise my mark...
I tried (I think that I am repeating too many times "I tried") to make it... interesting? No, I didn't know what to say about that country, that country or any other, it's too different than to talk about ideas or opinions. I think that there are more "information" than "funny or really interesting things". I believe that what I said was new, because I haven't heard anyone talk about this country.
I was nervous, so I think that I didn't say so many "complex" words, I used common words and verbs.
Well, here goes the literal transcription:
Ok, I will talk about the city (error! It's a country!) of Belize. Belize is an small country between the Americas. It is at the west of Caribbean sea and under USA.
In the past, this country was populated by Mayas, at 1524 the spanish conquerors arrived there and the english government took there some english woodcutters to work there, and also some pirates of those seas took to belice some african slaves to work with them. But... they became pirates so there was more piratery (then I went to the PC without any reason...). . In 1670, the piratery was ended. In 1821, Belize became independent and Since 1840 to 1981, it was officially an English colony.
At these moments, the most of the people talk spanish, and so much of the other talk Kriol. And many of the other are half-caste people. Half-caste people are people that their fathers are african or european, a mixt of that.
The symbols of the country are the black orchid, the killed-billed toucan and the tapir.
The culture of Belice are really influenced by Mayas, chinese people etc. They are so respectfull with the other people and they believe in Mystical healing and Obeah. Obeah it's a kind of religion like Voodoo and Hoodoo that attempts to control benign and malign magics. Here are some acceptable greetings and here I put some belizian expressions. Like Maanin, to say good morning, or Weh di go aan? to say what is going on... The most common sports are soccer and basketball.
And to finalize I found two different belizian legends, like Cadejo, that explains that before dying you could see a white animal that will save you, or a black animal that will kill you. Everyone have a different animal. And the other one is The Crying woman, that explains that... when you are near a river you could hear some cryings and groans from a dead woman. And it's finished.
Now, the video (in the video, there are also a question, without that, it dures 3:15 minutes...):

26 feb 2010

Death Note (film)

It's my favourite film. I love it! This film and his serie. His serie have got 37 episodes of 23 minutes each one, and I saw all of them in only 2 days and a half. This serie centers on Light Yagami, an high school student who discovers a super natural notebook of a god of death, a Shinigami: the "Death Note". This notebook allows he to kill anyone whose face have been seen by the writer, the writer writes the name of the person imagining his face and then, this person will death. The writer can also "control" the death of the person, he can choose his death, what the victim will do, etc.
Light Yagami is... a genius, he is a great student and he will "dominate" the Death Note. He doesn't kill people with nonsense, he only kills "bad people", like killers, some convicts, criminals etc. He wants to create a new world, and he gets it (in the serie). I "agree" with this creation of a new world, a better world, but... there are some criminals that should pay for their crimes, but I don't know if to kill them are the solution... The protagonists of the serie are really charismatic, all of them have their own personality and talents. The "2nd protagonist" is L, a really brilliant (and strange) detective that attempts to find who is the killer of murders, who is "kira". I think that it's too difficult to describe L... he have some rare habits like sitting different than the other, to eat a lot of sweet things, to walk with a stoop, etc. But he "discovers" who is kira very early. Then, they make complex conspirations, lays, theories, plans, etc. Light attempts to kill L, and L attempts to betray Light.
The movie is a recreation of the manga anime, but changing some things, like some moments and the final (yeah, they've changed the final... the serie is so much better than the film, the film is only a summary with a "wrong" ending. But it was the ending that so many people wanted.) The movie can be found in spanish, english... but it is originally from Japan, so their texts are all in Japanese...

I could talk about this serie a lot of time, but I have to stop.

Formal letter

C/ Mare de la Font 21
Castelló d’Empúries
Alt Empordà

12th January 2010
C/ Santa Clara 55
Castelló d’Empúries
Alt Empordà

Dear Mª Lluïsa Pintó,

I am a student from your center, and I am writing to you to express my opinion about our new school calender. I think that so many people have the same opinion, and I am not an exception.
Maybe some people could like the new calender, it is difficult to find examples but I think that these could be some of them. Some people like our new calendar because we start to learning things earlier, or just because we can reactivate our brains after (maybe) a long time without learning or studying like we do in the school, etc. Meanwhile, some other people think that we have too many school days, and this is tiring. And also, this long calendar shorts the holidays.
In my experience, I do not like it for many reasons. I have seen how the calendar has been becoming longer, before we finished the school days at the beginning of June, and now at the end. And it is not all, we also start the year some days before than some years ago. I disagree with that because we have got so much less holidays days, maybe some people do not do anything in the holidays, but there are some that does. So many people love holidays and me too, our job is good, and in some moments fantastic, but it is tiring. I think that you cannot change it, because maybe it is directed by the government, but maybe it is not. If this is like I have said, I will be gratefully if you can hear my voice and answer it.

Yours sincerely,

Adrià Martínez

First Re-Writing of Frankenstein

There are so many experiments that we can do with humans, we can change them physically and psychologically, to clone animals (Dolly), to work with stem cells, etc. But there are some restrictions, some moral restrictions.
It's good to help people who have terrible illness that will kill them, and in this moments there are a lot of projects that attempt to improve their lives, improving their live quality. If we want to save lives, we've to create new medicines, taste them and use them. It could be hard to search new usefull medicines, but we should give an acceptable life to everyone. Some people should allow these experiments and stop reproaching their just because it could be immoral or incorrect. If we do it to help people or learn something, it shouldn't be considered incorrect.
But it have to got an ending, a stopped point. We can cure illness people but we shouldn't "play" with dead people. When I say play I mean "to give life to dead bodies just because they were important or for curiosity. Of course that some people could improve the science finding new theories or investigations, but some of these great investigators are dead... Maybe we could resurrect them but... if we do this we couldn't evolve, because this therm will be strongly relationated with them, and we will be, simply, apprentices. But... we could resurrect them and when they will have done the investigations, discoverys etc. kill them... No, its a nonsense.

In this text I've given my opinion of these kind of things. To summarize, I agree to make "incorrect" experiments just to help people or learn, and I don't agree to make these experiments just to "cure" the curiosity or to our profit.