Some days ago, I read a new from a newspaper that inform us that a group of scientists have created a DNA, a DNA identical to one type of cell. They removed the DNA from one of these cells and have put the created DNA to the cell. Surprisingly (or not) the cell was still alive. They've managed to duplicate all of the nucleotides of the cell. They've been working for a long time, and they've demostrated us that the concept of "every cell comes from another cell" isn't completely true. And also it shows us that in the future, we will probably be able to create cell to cell, an organ. If we have liver problems, they do another for us, if we've lost a hand in an accident, they do another for us... It will change completely our lives.
But... I think that it isn't correct at all, because we could abuse of these radical cures. Everyone could smoke without any fears, or to drink a lot of alcohol, etc. Life would be so less dramatic, people won't cry for accidents, they will just pay for the injured part of the body and no more. What's more, there would be more overpopulation and in consequence, we will need more products, more consumption, less resources etc. So these cures could be our disease, if we use them indiscriminately. We should suffer and to have important diseases, then it will be more exciting.