21 may 2010

Death note 2 (film)

The second and the last movie of this fantastic series. In this one, we see the increase of power of Light thanks to his machiavellian plans and the "help" of Misa, an actress (a bit stupid) that possesses another death note. Misa is in love with Light, and Light takes advantatge of the situation and "uses" Misa to create new plans. He manages to get away from the suspisious of L and he continues killing bad people.
The final is so different than the serie... too different! Well, it's exactly the opposite. In the movie "wins" the most loved character, but there aren't appear some other characters. There are some charismatic characters that haven't appear in (like Near and Mello). In addition, they've eliminated the character who "causes" the end of the serie: Mikami.
The film is good, but not good enough like the serie. I definitely recommend the serie, but if you haven't got enough time, the films are Ok to know, in general terms, what's about it.