I don't have many dreams, and I prefer to don't express some that I have. I could say that I would like to learn about psychology and to use it in my future work career, but not just to help or to "cure" people.
I would like to realize those common dreams, like to get a nice house with a family, and to be useful for the society, to have a lot of money, etc. Everyone has these dreams, because all them realizes universal dreams (power, love, company...), and I'm not an exception, but I see them like... improbable and a bit "unnecessary" for these two arguments:
Firstly, I believe that it's too difficult to realize these dreams, because all them demand us so much dedication and suffering and I think that the most part of them are just "formal dreams", I mean, secondary dreams. Those that you don't need like the dream of to have power and influence to the other people. In my opinion, society are so egoist, and if anyone can choose freely between to dominate a person or to cure another person, I think that he would choose to dominate, because then he will be ab le to get more physical things and not just an smile. i'm not saying that the smile doesn't have value, because it's probable that the person, who chose the power, chose it to get the smile of one specific person...
Scondly, to have a nice house, a family, useful for the society, to have a lot of money... all them are selfish desires, they're related in how people will see us. They will give us more respect if we have an splendid house and if we are useful for the society, the family could help us in our difficult moments (maybe it's the most "correct" and "not egoist" dream...) and, of course, to have a lot of money will describe us more than 100 words.
In addition, in the most of these dreams appears money like the cause of them. We can't get a good house if we don't buy it or a family if we can't support them etc. So these dreams could be realized if we just have a lot of money.
Finally, dremas that I think that are the most important, are those that don't need money to be created, supported and ended. It might seem that there are few ones, but there are a lot. And are these dreams, these that are more intimate, wich we don't tell to the other people, and of course, I won't be an exception.