Well, I've read another interesting post of that interesting friend.
This time she talked about the stupidity of some politicians and about the danger of thieves (here you have the link: http://live-blog1batx.blogspot.com/2010/09/ho-my-god.html ). She says that some thieves of Venezuela can steal or directly moor you to get your money (obviosly), your mobile-phone (typical) and maybe even your shoes (what!?). It's clear that these thieves are more needed that those that there're here, but I don't know if they want the same as us (I'm refering about the desire that they are attempting to satisfy).
I think that the most part of "our" thieves are people that just acts as "street's Robin Hood", I mean, they steals money to pay with them drugs, clothes, and more "unnecessary" things. They just buy "complements" for their live. As I said previously in another post, these thieves shows us that we are just animals, and we always have to choose between to suppress the directly satisfaction of one desire (killing or stealing to get what we wants) or to work hard to get it legally. I think that "our" thieves, just don't want to work (laziness) and they steal us the money that they don't want to earn legally.
But I think that those thieves that are described in her post, just want to survive in that "difficult country". Obviously there shouldn't be thieves in anywhere, and our policy tries to dissipate them, but it can't. Our capitalism forces us to work hard diary, and to outperform other people to get more power, influency and money. But what happens with those people that just want these "rewards"? And what happen if rewards are just a pair of shoes?