13 dic 2010

Human Rights

0. My quiz's score is 36 wells and 5 wrongs...
1. Human rights are the rights and freedoms about physicall and mental terms that every human should have.
2. Human rights borned at 1948.
3. They were created to avoid the "superiority" of a group of humans to another group. They're attemporal, so they've became a reference of the political-etical-social order.
4. There are 30 Human Rights.
5. I wasn't heard so much about 23.3th right: "Everyone who works has the right to just and favourable remuneration ensuring for himself and his family an existence worthy of human dignity, and supplemented, if necessary, by other means of social protection."

6. and 7: Most of Human Rights are respected in my country, but there are few ones that don't. For example, the right that I've said before. There are a lot of works that doesn't give the sufficient money to the worker, and he can't support his family (it depends of the quantity of members, but now I'm talking of a family wich 3 or 4 members). We should think, also, what's the "sufficient" money to support a family, because maybe the sufficient to support a family it's just 1 piece of clothes and a bit of food for everyday. But it's common to doesn't give an exactly quantity of money for every person according to his family or needs, the bosses and company leaders will just give one exactly quantity of money to everyone, and if you don't like it, look for another work, it's the reality. And they can do it, there are no rule that prevents that, because if there's one rule that controls people's wages, one by one, there'll be like a comunism country. We can always to ask for an increase of salary to satisfy our needs, but of course they are not obligated to do that. In fact, this human right is so relative and it could be avoided easily.
In the past I think that there were the same problem, if anyone can avoid them to get an own benefit, it could be avoided. I know that's negative for the other person, and maybe there were people that was honest and equitable, but if someone have control to another person, and this one can't to be opposed to him, the controller'll seize the opportunity. This can be seen in groups of people that are constantly threatened for more "powerfull" people, if they rebel, they'll finish badly. These problem've been in the past and there are in present too, in so many countries and places there are a group of people that "are" more powerfull to another group and they abuse them. There are no many solutions, there are a lot of dreams and "it should be..."s, but it's difficult to fight and to die for a problem that will ever exist.