7 mar 2010

2nd Re-writing of Frankensteins opinion

At these moments, all of biology and cure advances could reflect the great evolution that we've suffert. Some scientifics are investigating with mother cells and some other are producing pharmacs that will cure ill people. Scientifics learn things using their methods, they create hypotesis and they comprove them. But, in some facts, their work could be a bit questionable or problematic.
They are able to cure ill people, to "give more live" to people, to help them... They can kill bacterys, bacterys that we didn't know about them before, and scientifics've showed them to us. Medicine is advancing constantly, and it really help us.
But some people criticize some things that scientifics do to investigate, like clonation. They say that we should not "create live", because we aren't gods and we shouldn't play with live. It's different to create organs to really ill people, that to create all of the animal. That animal will be "only a copy" from the original, and he could have some mental problems about that. There are more things that can be criticized, like to experiment with rats or other "inferior" animals... There aren't inferior animals, so it's really cruel to kill they, or change their lives, but we have to do this if we want to comprove something.
There aren't many different options to change "wrong" things that we've doing to improve medicine, but I'm sure that there are some...
In conclusion, medicine helps us, their methods could be questionable or problematic, but it improve our lives and we need that.