27 dic 2009

The evolution

Some persons don't believe in the evolution, some persons think that we hasn't changed since... our origins. I won't talk about the evolution of the human body, because it is so much clear, I don't know anyone with an "enormous" cranium, low stature, shaggy, identical to a monkey etc.
What I think that anyone could contradict, is that we've evolved mentally. Before we didn't know about medicines, technology, democracy... We've evolved physically and mentally, but now I think that the first kind of evolution is decreasing, is decreasing a lot, and the second kind is increasing.
Fortunately, we are improving in medicines, technologies... but physically? I think that now we are tallest than before, but it isn't a real evolution.
Probably in a lot of years there will be an evolution since now, but the culture avoids this. Some persons could feel disgust or fear to a man with six fingers in one hand, and maybe he will operate to remove it and become "normal", but the sixth finger will be in his DNA. If we all have the same culture, the same ethics... I think that we will evolve more than now, because there won't be borders (there won't be borders if we can eliminate all these stupids religions and beliefs). If the knowledge is widespread, there will be more and more new discoveries and advances because we will be more qualified persons. Maybe we won't evolve physically, but I'm sure that we will evolve mentally.
But first, we should eliminate some stupid theories, then, we will have it easier to evolve, and also, we will have more peace.

19 dic 2009

This has happened

At some moments, we see how a desire that we had, is fulfilled. Some persons (since I have said before) can think that they are fulfilled because something has listened them and has done things to make it true. The people with more reasonable thought, knows that the actions of oneself and the feeling of wanting to do this, have made this true.
Someone could say to me "It needs too many change to make it real", or simply "It's too change". I think that the change appears when we don't know something, because if we know it, we will know "the future". Our actions control us, when we've done something, this something will do another thing that will afects to us (butterfly effect), the union of all these "chances", these chances that have born of the feeling of wanting something, have created the future.
Maybe someone could think that if he/she does good actions, he/she will receive a remuneration, all actions make something and have a result. If your you move a leg, you consume energy. If you buy a car, you will have less money. If you look at the left side, you won't see somethings of the right side. If you pray... you don't do anything.

To listen my memory

I'm sure (yes, at this moments I won't say "I think") that nobody listens to us when we think, and, of course, when someone prays. It's really stupid to think that if you think something, if you ask for something with the memory, or if you "talk" with someone and you apologize for things that you've done, someone are hearing you, and this "person" can do something to help you. It's... really (really, really) useless. Our thoughts are produced in our brain, of these connections of neourons. How someone can think that something (yes, when I say something, I am saying god) is hearing us, that something can hear what only us can hear?Some persons could talk about something called "omnipotence", there are some parables that destroys this word, and some thoughts that too. Some persons could feel culprits when they have "badly" thoughts about something or someone. And also, there are so many people who feels culprit when they insult or hit someone (Me too, yes, it's something natural). But... when they apologizes to "something" using his own thoughts, I think that he/she have a mental problem.
Lucky, we have psychiatrists.

They are my thoughts, I don't want to hurt some people.


Some people say that god exists, and it's omnipotent. There are so many questions that torture the human mind, like "From where we are?" "Why do we exist?" "Which is the real origin of everything?" etc. The simplest answer that anyone could say can be "Someone who can do all, who are in everything, and who knows all, has done it". It's de simplest answer, if you say that when there are something that anyone knows, some people could believe you, because it could be true. If anyone knows why we are here, why do we exist or another philosophical question (a question without a real answer) and someone says "Someone who can do all created us." and he demostrates without demostrating this (with so many examples, metaphors, "fantastic" histories, traditions etc.) there will be some ingenious people who will believe he. People who don't want to search a the real answer, that answer wich are really hidden, that answer that forces you to spend all of your life to find that.
In some moments of the history, some persons wanted to demostrate that a thought without any scientific base is incorrect, and some of they had demostrated it (the spontaneous generation, for exemple), but there are things, things that happened in the past, that we can't know... and these things have so many answers. I'm sure that someone will demostrate that these stupid theories are... stupid theories.

18 dic 2009

In what I fail?

I don't really know it, but I try to do a lot of things, not only for me, but also for the others. I try to do it well, without many fails, mistakes, confusions... but I can't do it how I want, and in some moments I have these three and maybe more. I'm tired of receive "No, you are wrong", "It's not true, don't invent things" or also "You are a liar", so I prefer to say "I think that..." and don't receive a direct "No".
I fail in a lot of things, maybe every day, and of course, there are someones that affect me more than others. In the school, I have some problems with studies, I try to study as well, and the sufficient time but... since the first exam of this course I've seen that I haven't done something, something that was escapping from me, something that could grow up my fours to fives, my fail to my pass. I don't know what is this "something", but some teachers have been helping me and we think that it could be my study method. Well, I am changing it to the new that they've explained me. Since 1 week, I am studying with the new method, and if it don't work, if I fail the next exams...

Sometimes I also have fails with my friends, I have arguments with they when they can't understand me, when they are joking and I don't really want to joke, when they are happy and I am sad, maybe I am too time sad, but... It's me, it's difficult to change. But luckly I have some special friends who always (I think) understands me, those friends who I can tell them all, those friends who are "all" for me, those who I love, those who I need, those who shows me that I am not lonely, etc.
Sorry for my constant (yes, really constant) fails.

13 dic 2009

The king

Why a king have to be a king because his father had been that?
I mean, why this office have to pass to king's sons, if they hadn't done nothing? Why all the power of the country have to be in the hands of a person only because the father of that person had been important in the past or the father had have a father who was importat etc.
Yes, maybe an ancestor of the family had been very important because he conquered a lot of countries, or he killed bad people... but his sons didn't do it, and the power of the conqueror will pass to his son because he is his son, and no more.
I think that if we change of presidents, a persons who improves our lives and changes them (well, this is what they should do...), why we can't change of king?
No, wait... why we have to got a king? What will happen if there aren't one? He is only a person considered "superior" to other one because he was instructed more than other one in the state control, and maybe the father will instruct his son... it's good, but a person who aren't in the king family, he won't be a king, and I think that it should change. If we have a democracy, I think that it should change and be a really democracy, a democracy where all can change if the people wants the change.
Maybe all of that I've sayed it's wrong, and a "normal" person can be a king, I only say what I think and believe.

No weapons

Yeah, this is what a lot of people wants, a world without weapons, without guns, tanks, chemical weapons etc. because it will create a more peaceful world.
There are religions that disagree with other ones (well, all religions disagree with the other religions), there are thoughts that contradict other thoughts, cultures that don't like to other cultures. If people did not care as other people (if they thinks for they, I mean, if you don't agree with another person, then talk with her, and if you won't be able to change her, then, stop to attempting to change her) and they do not try to change the way of being of others, all would be great, because there won't be contradicted opinions, there will be different opinions.
But it's difficult, because if in a religion, there are only one god, it is a male, and it is omnipotent, and in another religion, there are more than one gods, and these gods controls all... and also if a religon criticize other one only to have a different concept of something, a different created history of the god... maybe the peace with these two will be difficult, and if there aren't weapons, there are rocks, and other natural weapons.
A world without weapons could be great, but if there are violence in the persons, there will be a "cold" world, a world where there are cold wars and constant arguments among people... I think that it's better than a world with weapons, but... it isn't perfect.


It's good to kill a killer?
I think that if the killer have killed a lot of people, or if he is a lover of the violence, an "evolved" bully... maybe he should be dead. I know that there are programs to rehabilitate those persons who really wants to be "normal" and to be forgiven by the society, but what happens with those persons who are like... mentally ill? Those who "always" will hate a group of persons, or those who love the violence and want to be superiors from another one, those who "have to" kill or robbery, or hurt... another person to feel "superior". Maybe if they have a good rehabilitation they would be a "good" person, but maybe he won't. There are some criminals who have so much money and good lawyers, some lawyers who can save yourself from a life imprisonment, and I think that those persons, those who play with the laws, and their crimes have been higher, should die. Yes, they could be in the prison until his dead, but maybe in the prison they will bother, hurt or even kill some convict.
I think that some urban gangs should be dissolved, those who makes war and battles with another gangs, and maybe some violent programs of TV, those who promote the violence and this character.

3 dic 2009

The 2nd term begins

Well, the title says all, since now begins the 2nd term of 1st Batxillerat.
I will try to improve respecting my first term, and I think that... I won't. This is my level, and I think that I can't improve it so much. Some teachers says that we can improve ourself studying and working... but if there are someone who works and study but he can't approve, what should he thinks? I think that if he is a "good" student and he takes care about his future, he may be a bit frustrated (This is what happens with me). It makes more difficult the nexts exams, because there are a pression that there isn't before. "Fortunatly", we have recuperation exams to recuperate (of course...) the failed subject, but... A holidays without work is different than a holiday with an exam waiting to you, in this holidays I wanted to go to the library and read more about psychollogy, or maybe a bit of teaching for my research work, but I have some catalan literature waiting to me... I will try to organize me and be able to do both things, I won't be studying all the time, but I will try to study the some time every day.