20 nov 2010

Podcast - Phylosophy program

My voice's like a child voice... how embarrassing!

18 nov 2010

Film review

Well, according to my lasts film reviews (Death Note 1 and 2) I have to finish this saga with the third (and last) film of Death Note, "L change the world".
The film tells how L, in his lasts days of life (at the 2nd part we can see how he wrotes his own name on the Death Note assuring his life 23 days, then he'll die), resolves so many cases of murdereds, robbering etc. and he specially interfeeres in a bioterrorism plot that have some scientists and a "companion" of him. They created a virus that can spread quickly and kill those people that it've infected without any possibility to recovering (because these scientists had the antidote). L can't be affected by the virus because his pact with the Death Note, and with the "help" of two children he will be able to stop scientists and to "save the world".
One year ago, I were fascinated with these films, specially with this, because L is a really lovely character (because his rarety and his intelligence). But now I see these films with "another eyes", I'm seeing the anime serie another time, and when I compare these two... In my opinion actors of these overact a lot their movements and facets, and it does less credible the history. But it's a difficult history, and they'd just like 2 hours to summerize like 15 hours of this series. This 3rd film, for example, I think that L's fans think that it's a really good film, cause L is the protagonist and he does things that he never've done in the series. And also cause he looks like more sensitive. The characters are really well made, they're exactly with the anime characters, but before I've already told my problem.

17 nov 2010

Oh my god!

Well, I've read another interesting post of that interesting friend.
This time she talked about the stupidity of some politicians and about the danger of thieves (here you have the link: http://live-blog1batx.blogspot.com/2010/09/ho-my-god.html ). She says that some thieves of Venezuela can steal or directly moor you to get your money (obviosly), your mobile-phone (typical) and maybe even your shoes (what!?). It's clear that these thieves are more needed that those that there're here, but I don't know if they want the same as us (I'm refering about the desire that they are attempting to satisfy).
I think that the most part of "our" thieves are people that just acts as "street's Robin Hood", I mean, they steals money to pay with them drugs, clothes, and more "unnecessary" things. They just buy "complements" for their live. As I said previously in another post, these thieves shows us that we are just animals, and we always have to choose between to suppress the directly satisfaction of one desire (killing or stealing to get what we wants) or to work hard to get it legally. I think that "our" thieves, just don't want to work (laziness) and they steal us the money that they don't want to earn legally.
But I think that those thieves that are described in her post, just want to survive in that "difficult country". Obviously there shouldn't be thieves in anywhere, and our policy tries to dissipate them, but it can't. Our capitalism forces us to work hard diary, and to outperform other people to get more power, influency and money. But what happens with those people that just want these "rewards"? And what happen if rewards are just a pair of shoes?

Podcast - Joke

Ok, here goes a little joke. Hope you like it:


- What's a fish without an [ai]?
- A "fsh"

([ai] could be "eye" or the letter "i")

16 nov 2010

My mind

This afternoon, I was looking for an interesting blog that has an interesting friend of mine. Finally I found it and I saw that she wrote a "description" about her mind, likes and personality (the title of this writing is homonymous as her), here's the link, if you want to read it:
She tells that she's so creative, and likes to create characters and unusual clothes for them, and also to create histories and to use different styles of drawing (american, japanese, lords and dragons, etc.)
I have to admit that I like this world, but just to having fun reading or maybe to be fascinated with the style of characters. When I was younger (as 7 or 8 years old) I tried to learn how to draw correctly. Logically I couldn't draw anything with any real thing (to summarize, my draws were horrible). Time after I've tried it again, and I think that I haven't improved anything since then... I have realized that I don't like to create histories and characters, I see it as a very difficult thing. I don't worth to be creative, it has ever been my handicap and since I were a child, I didn't get high marks in language because of my "creative writings". As you can see, I just like to express my feelings and thinks, to create and think about perfect places or personalities, but there're just concepts.
I see those manga drawings just as... drawings. I've seen so many animes in TV and when I see some draw about those typical big-eyed people, its difficult for me to see the effort that're behind them. I'm not saying that I don't value that effort, some of my "tresaures" are manga drawings, but they've something that I don't see in those typical pictures, a history behind them. I mean, they are like symbols of moments or feelings, and when I see them I feel the feeling that I experimented before, or I remembered what happened etc. I really thing that these symbols, these histories that are behind some "simple" objects, are the most valuable gift that someone's can receive. When I see people giving rings, necklaces, roses... I see them like empty gifts, they're just gifts that "have" to be given. Gifts that I think that have the most value, are those that are given in any moment, not just in "special moments" (christmas, birthdays...). Those that really means something for the couple, and just they feels what the gift hides.
But of course, all we likes to receive gifts. And I'm not an exception.

15 nov 2010

1st O.P. - Humour, sitcoms

Well, here's my "first" Oral Presentation. I have to admite that it's been short, but it's been the first one and the first one that I've done it with another person. There are 4 videos that fills the O.P. and also they're so funny and made us laugh. We (me and Nicole) had passed a good time doing the text and looking for funny videos, and I think that we've done a good presentation. As you can see, my english level are so inferior than her, but try to don't get dissapointed when you see the comparison... I think that nexts O.P. will be individually, so I will be more nervous (excuse my self-confidence). But I won't loose my elegance (tie)!

Well, here's the transcription:


- In two thousand and thirty, Ted sits down his daughter and his son to tell them how he met their mother, his wife. He tells them starting at the year two thousand and five and him being a twenty seven year old single, that it's when he starts to search for his perfect mate. This sitcom contains many funny moments and at the end of each chapter, there are a little reflection about life and love. Here you'll see a little video of that:

"2nd sitcom"

- Family Guy is about an American family, the Griffins: Peter and Loise, the parents, their children Chris, Meg and Stewie, and their antrophomorphic pet dog, Brian. It bases much of his humour on parodies, and unexpected situations, especially Stewie. There are many many sketches. Let's see a little video:

- "4th sitcom and end"

Dreams - Letter

I don't have many dreams, and I prefer to don't express some that I have. I could say that I would like to learn about psychology and to use it in my future work career, but not just to help or to "cure" people.
I would like to realize those common dreams, like to get a nice house with a family, and to be useful for the society, to have a lot of money, etc. Everyone has these dreams, because all them realizes universal dreams (power, love, company...), and I'm not an exception, but I see them like... improbable and a bit "unnecessary" for these two arguments:
Firstly, I believe that it's too difficult to realize these dreams, because all them demand us so much dedication and suffering and I think that the most part of them are just "formal dreams", I mean, secondary dreams. Those that you don't need like the dream of to have power and influence to the other people. In my opinion, society are so egoist, and if anyone can choose freely between to dominate a person or to cure another person, I think that he would choose to dominate, because then he will be ab le to get more physical things and not just an smile. i'm not saying that the smile doesn't have value, because it's probable that the person, who chose the power, chose it to get the smile of one specific person...
Scondly, to have a nice house, a family, useful for the society, to have a lot of money... all them are selfish desires, they're related in how people will see us. They will give us more respect if we have an splendid house and if we are useful for the society, the family could help us in our difficult moments (maybe it's the most "correct" and "not egoist" dream...) and, of course, to have a lot of money will describe us more than 100 words.
In addition, in the most of these dreams appears money like the cause of them. We can't get a good house if we don't buy it or a family if we can't support them etc. So these dreams could be realized if we just have a lot of money.
Finally, dremas that I think that are the most important, are those that don't need money to be created, supported and ended. It might seem that there are few ones, but there are a lot. And are these dreams, these that are more intimate, wich we don't tell to the other people, and of course, I won't be an exception.

10 nov 2010


I think that something that should have done for own will, like to meet with friends, to learn the lesson or to respect an "important" person or object, we've turned it into a need. Our social status haven't just given us a place in this world, it also defense us from him, so "we" need to keep it and to improve it to get a calmer and more pleasant life. A protection formed by a repression of our primary desires and also a beauty mask provides "safety" to us. If we haven't these protection, we would live, literally, like wild animals.
But this "protection" use to fail, to be broken by the time. I mean, when someone see us like what we are, animals, he should think that this protection is just a necessary joke. I think that nobility and to be hidden from the world, are directly proportional (when one of them grows, the other one too). I don't like to recognize someone that I don't know anything like "superior" just because he has done "important" things that I never heard about them before. I know that this person could have spent a lot of time in his work or maybe he's done something that anyone did it before, but I won't give to him more respect if I don't value his work or if I haven't heard anything about him... I think that's logical. I'm not trying to justificate a "wrong" conduct, I'm just saying that in this elitist society, if someone do disagreeable things, people think that he's a bad person. But it's not true... these people that kill, robber etc. shows us that we are what we are, just animals. These people satisfy their instintive desires, those desires that ALL US have. We've created the culture, and not the upside-down.

5 nov 2010

News - Naps and memory

Time ago, I read an article that explained some curious and really usefull "not much knowed" things about our spanish contribution to the world: the siesta.
I've read that siesta improves our learning process and also our long term memory. In addition, it told that if we sleep after studying, we'll memorize better the studied thing, because we would have eliminated disturbing influences.
I knowed something related to this, but I didn't remember that I have that importance. We have many "needs" that demand us a big and progressive mental effort, so some times we could underestimate the sleep just to satisfy them. But the reality is that if we don't sleep enough, we'll learn slowly and it'll be more difficult. I know that's hard to sleep always our 8 hours, because we can do things at night that we can't in day, or just because we want to extend the day. I'm not the most appropiate person to say this, I love to go to sleep late, I like to see the darkness of my street with his fresh smell and the sheen of the moon... and also because I'm more calmed, relaxed and inspired in late hours than in early hours. I would like to have more "free" time to sleep calmly, or to satisfy some "needs", but we all are imprisoned in a cultural prison... but I'll talk of it later, when I'm more inspired.