30 may 2010

Equity and inequality are a progress - News

According to a scientific research of the prestigious magazine "Science", since we are children until adolescence, we experience some psychological changes that changes our concept of equality. They've done an experiment with 500 child between 5º and 13º school grade and they verified that the children of higher grades have a "corrupt" concept of the equality. They think that people with more "individual success" have to be more rewarded than other people, other people that have done the same work. For example, a boy could give more "money" to another that is more popular, or that have done the same work but with more art or skill.
It shouldn't be like this... If two boys've done the same work, they should charge the same quantity of rewards. I think that we are too selective, so we can't deal with the same quality two different people. Payers should be more cold, they shouldn't have feelings or secondary valuations when the workers've done the same work. I know that it's different if the workers are so different and when they have to employ different quantities of their capacity, in these cases, that people that have employ more of theirselves should be a bit more rewarded, I think that it's just. Unfortunately, it doesn't happen really often.

29 may 2010

A created cell - News

Some days ago, I read a new from a newspaper that inform us that a group of scientists have created a DNA, a DNA identical to one type of cell. They removed the DNA from one of these cells and have put the created DNA to the cell. Surprisingly (or not) the cell was still alive. They've managed to duplicate all of the nucleotides of the cell. They've been working for a long time, and they've demostrated us that the concept of "every cell comes from another cell" isn't completely true. And also it shows us that in the future, we will probably be able to create cell to cell, an organ. If we have liver problems, they do another for us, if we've lost a hand in an accident, they do another for us... It will change completely our lives.
But... I think that it isn't correct at all, because we could abuse of these radical cures. Everyone could smoke without any fears, or to drink a lot of alcohol, etc. Life would be so less dramatic, people won't cry for accidents, they will just pay for the injured part of the body and no more. What's more, there would be more overpopulation and in consequence, we will need more products, more consumption, less resources etc. So these cures could be our disease, if we use them indiscriminately. We should suffer and to have important diseases, then it will be more exciting.

24 may 2010

Reflections of my O.P.

Oh dear... I don't think that I've improved since the last time, maybe a little bit since the first time, but it's not enough. I were so nervous and you can see it just hearing my voice, I had to pause in some moments because sometimes I lost the text from my mind and I didn't know how to continue. I have done more visual powerpoints, and I tried to gesticulate a bit more, but I think that I've done always the same, moving like a pendulum.
There were some difficult words and I had problems, but I tried to pronounce it as well as I can, even so I think that in some moments my pronunciation was ridiculous... There aren't many moments that I had to read, so I think that I've improved in this part. I organized the information into different topics and subtopics, maybe I should to connect them better. I won't talk about my grammar... it was horrible!
I like to do O.P., but as long as I know what and how to say what I want to say... I felt bad when I saw some "excellent" or "so good" presentations of the other people, so it concerned me a bit. When I remember this 1st of bachillerat, I will remember these bitter presentations. I'm sorry but I don't like to do them. It's difficult to me to talk in English, and so more to memorize a text and to say it exactly later... Fortunately, they've finished.

3rd O.P.

Here's the transcription:
- I will talk about corruption. According to a dictionary, corruption's definition is "To be guilty of dishonest activities, as bribery, lacking integrity, crooked, etc. So... it's to do illegal things to obtain an own good. There are corruption in all of government levels.
There are different types of corruption:
Like the legislative corruption: it's when the... (Then someone opened the door, so I became confused and I got lost) government modifies the existing laws to adapt them to their own needs, and not to the population needs.
The administrative corruption, when the government prevents the investigations or actions against his and when they've preferences in business that the "normal" people doesn't have (I know that I have done some gramatical errors, but... well, I was nervous).
And the last one is the private corruption, when conflicts of interests appear in private signatures, or when the controls become too many expensive or to difficult, then they can't do it. (Then I lost my voice and the neck hurt me) Is here where there are the bribes, bribes (I pronunciated it wrong), changes of the quality of the goods, etc.
The causes of the corruption could be the lost of moral precepts or maybe the low importance of the suffering of a population. In short, to don't care about anything or anyone to get what you want.
And the consequences could be the mistrust, because no one wants to invest or save their money in a bank, because in any moment the government could change the existing laws or do some "necessary" (I gestured a little bit when I said this word) actions and take a part of them.
Emm... A cure for the corruption could be the real socialism. We shouldn't considered ourselves like "inferiors" or "poor" people because we are who should govern. We should take side in the political actions.
And another cure could be some manifestations, radical manifestations, or simply to remove the existing... members of the government and create a new team.
Umm... Corruption is not specific to poor countries. In the western countries of Europe there have been causes of bribery and another corruption forms. Like under-the-table payments done by patients to reputed surgeons to get the firsts places of the (list of) forthcoming surgeries.
Bribes paid by suppliers to medical industries in order to sell poor quality capacitors or poor quality (This second option weren't in my notes, so I didn't know how to continue) desfibrilators (I didn't know how to pronunciate it...). Bribes paid to obtain diplomas, to get more votes, etc.
To finalize I want to say that corruption, like more other illegal things is done in secret. So if we perceive some hint of evil we should prepare for the future and find a cure before you see the corruption. That's all.

21 may 2010

Death note 2 (film)

The second and the last movie of this fantastic series. In this one, we see the increase of power of Light thanks to his machiavellian plans and the "help" of Misa, an actress (a bit stupid) that possesses another death note. Misa is in love with Light, and Light takes advantatge of the situation and "uses" Misa to create new plans. He manages to get away from the suspisious of L and he continues killing bad people.
The final is so different than the serie... too different! Well, it's exactly the opposite. In the movie "wins" the most loved character, but there aren't appear some other characters. There are some charismatic characters that haven't appear in (like Near and Mello). In addition, they've eliminated the character who "causes" the end of the serie: Mikami.
The film is good, but not good enough like the serie. I definitely recommend the serie, but if you haven't got enough time, the films are Ok to know, in general terms, what's about it.

15 may 2010

Helena - Music

I really like this song! And so more the videoclip. It's so impresive and it make me remember "not very old" good times. Singer's clothes are great (well, they are "normal clothes" at the place where they are) and I like the hair of the singer... The song is a dismissed to a girl who died, but (if I've understood it well) she wasn't an "angel".
It's curious how the mentality changes when that "bad" person dies... When he's dead, there are a lot of sadness and tears, but when he's alive, people prefers to criticize and change him to "the better way". I think that we should express how we need or "love" the persons that are with us, not for obligation (we are "obligated" to say to our parents that we love they, because they are our parents...) or to get an answer.
Well, here's the video:

The (real?) existence

Some persons don't believe in the existence of some legendary or religious persons, like Epona, Caín or others. But in some situations we have the same evidences of their existing that some evidences of the existing of some ancient kings, warriors or other "important" persons. I mean, maybe X person can believe that king arthur really existed, and he, according to a legend, is at this moment under his natal country, waiting in a secret cave until his people need him, and then he will rise up to the surface to help them in a war or other things... and another person can think that this history is really stupid.
The persons who believe in this history have their "proves" (not empirical proves, of course), but they have some books that explains it and give them "good" arguments. But... we can have the same "proves" (texts or physical things) to demostrate that a famous persons existed (persons like Jaume I, or Alejandro Magno). We have texts and maybe some physicall "proves" to demostrate that they existed, but no more. However, we believe it...
But it can be that the existence of these "real" important persons was really a lie, an elaborated plot or a meticulous conspiracy? It's curious...
Maybe I'm too sceptic, but I'm not refering to the content or logic of these proves, I'm refering at the types of proves.

11 may 2010

A language without lies

At these days I've been thinking about this, could exist a language that disables the use of lies? A language wich use demands sincerity, in wich we also can't use metaphors... I believe that if it's an oral language we could modifies it. If we have to say a combination of sounds to prove that what we will say it's true, "we would never lie", because we might use this combination and "prove" that we will say the truth. So a combination of sounds before the arguments couldn't work. But if it's an "excellent" and very logical explanation of X, a totally objective explanation, could work. But it can also be modified, if we don't "use" a logical analyzer and some good psychologists, it could fail.
So we would need a not verbal language, an analyze of the brain of X person to determine if he lies or not. At this moments polygraphs already exist, but I'm searching an alternative method, one less specific and complex... Maybe, if we could make speak the subconscious mind and not the conscious side of the person, if there were a fast and simple way to do it, we could use this and know the truth. I will search and investigate more about this.

(I think that I haven't said anything with all this text... Well, they're only thoughts.)

7 may 2010

Informal letter

Mare de la Font, 21
Castelló d'Empúries 17486
24th March 10
Dear Kieron,
Thanks for your letter. You've asked to get some information about my country and I will try to give you some. I haven't travelled so much, but I know some places that tourists use to go and some others that they don't, but there are pretty too. If you only want to stay in Castelló, I can help you.
I can recommend you my town; I like it because it's small and beautiful. It's a calm place that doesn't have so many exciting situations.
There are old places like some houses, the church, some squares etc. that haven't been changed or modernized. But there are also some modern places, like some restaurants, the library, etc. The atmosphere of the town is so relaxed, and nature surrounds the town with countries, a small woodland, trees, etc. The people are friendly and there are a lot of young people. If you want to visit other places, I recommend you Empuriabrava for his touristic places and his beach, or to go shopping or to see museums in Figueres, etc.
If you want to live one of the bests festivals of this town, I can definitely recommend you the "Terra de Trobadors" festival, a festival that return the town to the middle age. It's at September, so you could go here with summer clothes, because it's stills warm.
Sincerely yours,
Adrià Martínez
P.S. If you come here, come with your dog. He will enjoy this town.

2 may 2010


Another thought:
I believe that all we need the same father, a phisicall (not biologic) father. A man who says to us what's good and what's wrong, someone that athemore and influences respect. A right/fair person and no-corrupt. It's necessary a person whom we respect, whom we don't want to hurt or criticize.
A just person... But this term is a bit relative, according to mr. Word Reference:

fair, just
free from favoritism or self-interest or bias or deception; or conforming
with established stadards or rules.

Could it exist? Could exist a person who is able to personificates this definition?
In my opinion: No. All we are looking for something, all we need an aim. Everybody have his price, everybody can be nasty (No, I'm wrong, everybody are nasty), everybody lies etc. So we have to create this someone or something that fulfill these features.
I'm sure that we could create a program that says what's good and what's wrong, a PC program that shows all the positive and negative conclusions of X action and "what should we do". But could we accept it? Could a pc program control us? We can disconnect it or, simply, don't see it. To see and examinate what this program shows, we need to connect it and search what we want before, so if we have a strong thoughts, we couldn't do this and do what we want. So this method fails.
We need an omnipresent and omnipotent person, voice, writing... that shows us the "real" way, the "correct" and "best" way. Since there's nobody like this, we've to create a "different kind of culture", something called religion. We need someone to say "sorry" when we failed in something, we need someone who ask "what should I do?" when we are undecided... We need an example of "good". All of us need a father, who should be perfect for all and the same for everyone... A father, or a God.