14 may 2011


Yesterday I read a text from a blog (http://rincon-psicologia.blogspot.com/2011/05/el-sentimiento-de-culpa-entenderlo-para.html) about one of (in my opinion) the culture's creators: the fault.
When we aren't able to liberate our agressiveness because the possible reprisals, we are forced to internalize this and later this impossibility and angry inside us will express himself with the fault sentiment. A non satisfied pleassure will always affects us, and if there weren't culture we could do everything to satisfy that (when I say everything I mean to kill, steal, force other persons, etc.) but just because we have it we feel "angry" with ourselves because we wished something that we could not get. And this fail will influence us to don't try it again because it could happen the same or something worse.
But there are another feeling that I think that it's one of the most important creators of culture, the dread. That feeling that influences you to don't do something that will cause you a fault feeling after doing it. Because of this feeling people works to get money, buy food, seduces other people and insults when they feel angry. I don't know if it's innate, but it carries good things (to make us more civilized) and bad things (that desnaturalizes us).