25 abr 2011


Suffering avoidance it's in front of the obtaining of hapiness. If we can choose between to receive a kiss or to success in a final exam and to stop a headache or to finish a paternal punishment I'm sure that we all will choose to stop a suffering. It's because if we choose the little and punctual hapiness we'll be satisfied, but after that we'll continue suffering because that feelings that have stopped punctualy. And this has conditionated our behavior, most of people will choose to go to school or work instead of to stay at home sleeping. The suffering that we avoide going to work it's the "fault feeling" that we'll feel if we don't go, and if it happens we will feel a punishment need generated of our interior authority.
That need of punishment is the base of culture. If we skip a norm that our father has inculcated us and we've accepted the norm like a part of our personality, we'll feel the need to apologize or to make something to "heal" the injurie. And we can see examples of this everywhere, a boy that has hurted his girlfriend will give her some roses to apologize, a father that has hit his son will buy him a computer game to forget the past, etc.