25 abr 2011


Suffering avoidance it's in front of the obtaining of hapiness. If we can choose between to receive a kiss or to success in a final exam and to stop a headache or to finish a paternal punishment I'm sure that we all will choose to stop a suffering. It's because if we choose the little and punctual hapiness we'll be satisfied, but after that we'll continue suffering because that feelings that have stopped punctualy. And this has conditionated our behavior, most of people will choose to go to school or work instead of to stay at home sleeping. The suffering that we avoide going to work it's the "fault feeling" that we'll feel if we don't go, and if it happens we will feel a punishment need generated of our interior authority.
That need of punishment is the base of culture. If we skip a norm that our father has inculcated us and we've accepted the norm like a part of our personality, we'll feel the need to apologize or to make something to "heal" the injurie. And we can see examples of this everywhere, a boy that has hurted his girlfriend will give her some roses to apologize, a father that has hit his son will buy him a computer game to forget the past, etc.

21 abr 2011

The border

There are people that think that after the border there are lands all of trees, adorable animals, pacific people and hapyness. Other people think that there are just sand, darkness, weak lights and a great ocean. Another group think that there are the both before. Another thinks that there are just another land with people sleeping and you will have another kind of dreams there.
I feel that I'm in that last group of people, but we just have to stop our imagination and open our eyes. Then, without any hopes that cover the need, we could really think objectively what is the border and what there are next it, if there are really something.
Now, when I see the border, I just see a "desactivation". I don't see a "change" like I saw before. To think and to come closer to the border gives panic about our lack of knowledge, but it doesn't just gives it.
Like all the people feel, it's better to sleep and don't wake up, because you could say things like these that I've saying.

Sleep, and don't wake up

There is really a way? Everybody thinks and need to think that there are a way and they do hypothesis about what there are in the way, how is it, where it goes, etc. No one has any logic, but they calm a need.
We can wait for a car that will make us cross the border, but some "mad" people prefers to cross it by foot. It's easy to criticize that one that doesn't want to wait: "Why so hurry?" "If you can be here, sleeping, why you have to wake up and... what? see that we all are sleeping? or maybe see the dark sky and the soft brown earth where we lay?
You can finish with the nightmare that you've been living, but everyone will make you to sleep again. There are many groups that hate to wake up, any other that love to sleep, but no one will recommend you to wake up.
If you return to the dream, you will resume the nightmare that you've been living. And you can't change it... Or you can? If you are "mad" enough, you'll wake up, move away from the dreamers, and to cross the border. Maybe it's the best way.

15 abr 2011

Formal Letter

c/ Invented - 4rth - 2nd A


12th April 2012

World Nuclear Association



Dear John Ritch:

I am writing in order to know your opinion and future plans about the Nuclear Energy that you controls. Nowadays there has been an important number of discussions, debats and revolutionary acts about the Nuclear Energy. That, like some people thinks, should have been done time ago.

On the one hand, the Nuclear Energy provide us more energy than renovable ones, and actually it is easier to get because it does not depends of the ambient, but on the other hand the possible negative consequences (that unfortunately we all have seen) makes it a really dangerous form to get Energy. Even if we stop Nuclear plants there will still be radioactive atoms in the air and water and, like some other cases, civil (and developing the most) people will suffer because our needs.

I am finishing this letter pregging you for and objective answer about your plans about affected people and also with the energy in general.

Thanks for your interest.

Adrià M.

1 abr 2011

News: Japan's disaster

Few days ago, there's been a terrible earthquake and then a tsunami in Japan. Both phenomenon has devastated an important part of the principal island. Since then there've been constantly programs and news about those people and the recuperation of the country. The primacy of these news has also reduced the time to explain the other news profundly.
We believe (or maybe "someone" wants to make believe us) that those tragedies that we see in TV are the most important in the world, just because they are in TV in a serious program like a news program. But of course that we know that there are other tragedies and more interesting news that those that we have in our country, even so we don't worry about them. We could probably remember that earthquake in that subdevelop country, or maybe that poor family that were going to die because the corruption of the country, but there are other things that we could see but we don't take it in care anything.
When I hear in some news program a tip like "there's been 100 deaths" I don't just get surprised, I also feel frustration, because I believe that they shouldn't give this tip with this ease. I think that all of these persons should have a whole TV program to explain their live, one by one, one for day. We do this when a famous person dies (like a king or a singer), but why not with a "current" person? Why that 16's years old japan boy just has to be one more of the number of deaths?