4 mar 2011

Podcast: Description

2nd O.P. & Reflections

I've got some problems with this O.P., problems with the day that I should do this (it's been posponed a few times) and problems with the recording. I thought that my mobile phone would record more than 5 minutes, because at the other O.P. I used the same mobile phone to record me. It could be because the battery, it was low at the morning... either way I could record just one minute. Unfortunately I think that I haven't done well this presentation, like the others, I've been so nervous and in some moments I didn't know what to say. My power-point doesn't have sufficient slides and some friends said me that I didn't move enough. In the other hand, I knowed what to say about the theme (our research project), but it was recorded after the official presentation with the court... and it was horrible. Really horrible. And my appalling final mark confirms it.

Here's the transcription:
" Amm... Well, I have done my research project about a pedagogical method called Kumon Method.
My objectives were to know more about this method, to know more about other pedagogical methods and also to comprove their efficiency.
The Kumon Method is based on maths and it's a progression since the firsts learnings of maths (like to count, sums, substractions) to a more complexes operations (like determinants, angles...). It's divided in 23 levels, and each level has got like 200 books of exercises and each book has got like 20 or 30 pages full of operations. "

Here is when the battery ended, so I'll write what I had in my script:

"This makes that when the student advances to the next level, he won’t feel any difficulty. It’s called the “painless learning”.
As you see, it’s not a great innovation at the education world, because the student just have to repeat and repeat the same exercises that he’s already done yesterday, and the day before.
One of the disadvantages of the method is his continuity. Every day (even weekends and summer) the student has to be like 30 minutes doing his exercises. It uses to satiate the student, so there are a lot of them that retires from him.
Nonetheless it gives great benefits to the capacity of concentration of the student, and because of that, the student will be able to learn more things in less time.
Also, this method let the student to learn about secondary or batxiller maths while he’s just in primary. At the interview to the kumon’s teacher on Figueres I saw that one student from 4th of primary are doing equals from 2nd of institute.
He did them quickly, without thinking of what he’s doing.
I get a few more information from this “school”, because there are a bit of secrecy in this organization.
It’s all, questions?"

Here's the video:

1 mar 2011

Description of a place

I think that my favourite place, since this summer that it's when I saw it for the first time, is a rural way that it's in Castelló Nou, between fields and trees. It's at the west part of Castelló Nou and it has like 3 or 4 kilometers long. I like this place because I use to run there and I have great memories of this summer.
This place could be divided in two parts, the first one is sorrounded of corn fields and the way takes an "S" form. It's so simple and the way it's of sand, rocks and earth. Sometimes at the summer there are tracktors and camions but the air isn't contaminated, it's absolutely pure.
At the second part there are a sun flowers field in the right side and in the left side there are a line of trees in front of an enormous green field. This part is so peacefull and there aren't curves. At the summer there are a lot of colours because the sun flowers and the trees, and there are constantly birds singing.
The final part it's a direct way to a rural house. There use to be puddles in the floor but in the summer it's sorrounded of trees and the shadow of them it's so calm and helpfull.
I think that the beauty of this place can be seen specially in summer, and absolutely because the mentally situation of the person.

Film Review: Pride & Prejudice

One moth ago, we (me and my classmates) saw Pride & Prejudice, after reading the homonym book. It explains the history of a young woman and his romances. She first meet Wickham, a beauty soldier of the british army and then she fells in love with a rich man that she hated before, Mr.Darcy. Her prejudices against Mr.Darcy and also her pride blinded her and avoided her to see Darcy's goodness.

At first I didn't like this film because it's considerated a romantic film. I've never seen one of these films, and I thought that it could be boring and too corny. But like the protagonist of the book, I just got prejudices against it. It may be because the charisma of the two main characters (Elizabeth and Darcy), or because the story and her misunderstandings, humanism and repression... I don't know. It just liked me.