13 oct 2010

About "Kings"

That person that controlls his group of friend, a person that if goes to X, his friends will go to X. That "omnipotent" person that can control mind and actions of his plebeians... They exist, and I'm sure that we all know one of them and, in some moment, wanted to be like one of them. People likes to be powerful, to be able to control other people and to be accepted. I think that those "kings" just exist when we are young, when we are more easily influenced and just another child that we know, someone that are better in X that the rest of children, someone that just have more friends or is more "guay" can get a "higher" social status.
Maybe we can hate that person, but if our friends go with him, I'm sure that we'll go with them (with our friends, not with the "king"). And it's the beginning. In this moment we have three different ways: to become a new and more charismatic "king" and to "recruit" our friends, to continue with the new "king" and, slowly, to incorporate his philosophy or maybe to look for new friends. We often change our influences, and we won't go with "rotten apples", I think that everyone'll go with the people he wants being agree with his ethics. We need a 3rd person to critizice our friendships to have an idea about them, but it's difficult to reduce (mentally) the social status that the "King" have.
In sometimes I experimented some of these situations (to choose between my friends and to follow a "King", or to be independent) and I have to admit that in some times I choosed the "wrong" way... But now, I think that if someone wants to be a free-thinker he'll lose friends and opportunities. We can't be absolutely independent, we'll be influenced now and later.

Things that I've learned

I'm not glad to tell this, but in many moments I've felt really interested in one subject. I mean, that kind of interesting that make you to search about it, to fascinate with the new discoverys, to really learn ("really learn" = not to repeat to learn) about what you are reading or experimenting etc. I think that if you can't choose what you want to learn, if you just have to learn, you won't feel the same interest that if you can choose what you want and investigate for your own.
Of course that there are variables that can influence the learning, like the teacher, the part of the subject that you're studying, the ambient (classroom, friends), the use of the subject, etc. etc. But if you want, you can remove these variables and learn without impediments.
In my case, I've learned "a lot" about psychollogy and I can use that in my daily life, I've learned some things that explains me things that didn't have any reasonable explanation (what are dreams, how to interpret them to know a lot about the person, etc.). And now I can learn more about this subject cause I'm taking it in school, and it looks really interesting.
But it's difficult to attend to other "less interesting" subjects... so it's good to know a bit of all and to "specialize" in what you want.


Well, here I go again... I've success 1st of bachillerat and now I'm on the 2nd year. I remember when I felt a bit depressed because I failed some subjects (5, exactly), but I retaked them (except Maths, that today I've just done the recuperation exam) so I passed a "carefree" summer.
It's been one of my bests summers (maybe the best one), I couldn't do some things that I wanted to do, but it was so nice. I've could read some interesting psychology books (1 of persuasion and 2 of psychoanalysis) two of philosophy etc. I read them sat in a swing, alone, in a park that there are near of my house. This park has become like a symbol, I was so calm there and I could think without interruptions.
I've lost some important things (excuse my "mystery", but I don't want to give details... personal matters), things that were so important to me, like paramount. But it was too much bad. I don't know if it could be solved...
But well, like I've said before, it was a "perfect" summer. Thanks.